Page 15 of Rhadan

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How did you find her? he asked.

She called about the ad, which was weird now that I think about it.


I had only placed it an hour before she called. I assumed she saw it online or something.

Perhaps the temple calls to its own, but she is too young to discern her power.

Let me talk to her. She is looking at me like I have a second head. You are distracting me.

I like distracting you.

I noticed. Tempest cleared her throat. “Sorry. My mind wandered.”

“Happens to me all the time,” Sam said.

“You said you were staying at a motel. Are you looking for accommodations?” Tempest asked.

“Definitely. I haven’t found anything in my budget and the motel manager is taking advantage of my predicament. I can’t afford an apartment, but if you hear of any rooming houses, I am definitely interested.”

“I was thinking of something a little closer to work.”

“A room for rent? That would be amazing.”

“Something like that. I live in the apartments above the store. My roommate got married recently. She has moved to her and her husband’s new home. The job and the room are yours if you want it.”

She felt him before the flora of color entered her vision. He sat beside her and placed a plate of warm sweets on the table before her. She sensed the shield he erected around himself. Another barrier placed between him and Sam.

“Tempest will be moving to our new home when it is ready, but she needs help at the store and the construction will take some time,” Rhadan said.

Sam cleared her throat. “I thought you weren’t her boyfriend.”

“We are much more than that,” Rhadan said confidently.

Tempest repositioned herself in her seat. Back off, Rhadan.

Sam sucked in a breath. “I don’t know how to thank you. I will save so much money and time if I live above the store. I don’t have a deposit, but you can take it out of my paycheck.”

Tempest nodded as Rhadan’s hand moved over hers. “We will work out the details. When can you start?”

Sam cleared her throat. “Is tomorrow too soon?”

Tempest wanted to answer her, but Rhadan touched her wrist, and the light caress evaporated her train of thought. “Absolutely not.”


Tempest tried not to focus on the heat traveling up her arm. Rhadan was barely touching her, and he wasn’t using magic. His gentle caress over her wrist in an almost lazy fashion was threatening to short-circuit her normally analytical brain. How could he have this effect on her? He was everything she didn’t want in a man. One that garnered the attention of those around him. She couldn’t compete with his beauty, and she had never even seen him.

You are far more beautiful than I am. His words whispered in her mind, and she had to pull her cardigan tighter around her body so Sam wouldn’t notice her nipples had peaked.

Stop it.

I have not done anything... yet.

Being so sexy. Or whatever it is you do.

You are immune to my power.
