Page 17 of Rhadan

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“See Samantha,” he said.

“I’m blind Rhadan, and even Legion can’t fix something like that. It has something to do with my power. You can’t alter it in any way. I won’t risk the druids’ and dragons’ deaths, so I can see.”

“I would never do such a thing. I was offering to allow you to see through my eyes. It is a skill every bonded couple possesses.”

“I could see through your eyes? Like actually, see?”

“While we are connected, yes. It must be your choice.”

Tempest wasn’t sure what she expected. A wavering memory or something close to a dream. She still had those in color. She recalled his comment about acceptance. “Yes. I would like to try.”

There was no spell. No lead-up. It was as if a light was turned on and the entire shop came into view. Rhadan was staring at the area of the shop that held the cafe. Nancy was pushing her white mug to the edge of the table as Sam poured the coffee.

Tempest cried out, and Sam looked up. “Tempest, are you okay?”

Tempest nodded but clutched Rhadan’s arm. “Yes, I just remembered I forgot to close the loft door.” Her eyes roamed over her new employee and roommate.

Sam was tiny, with black cargo pants and a white T-shirt. She wore a simple black jacket with silver zippers. Her hair was short and spiked with blue streaks. Had she seen her on the street, she would never have thought Inn Plain Sight would be her first choice for employment. Tempest remembered a few of her mother’s old heavy metal album covers, and Sam’s look reminded her of them.

“Styles have changed quite a bit. You will find an eclectic array of clothes in this era,” Rhadan said.

“Show me the store,” she whispered.

Rhadan focused on the white customer counter behind Sam. It held a clear display case full of fresh pastries. The rear counter sported a mini fridge, which she knew contained pre-made salads and a drink cooler with an assorted array of colored bottles. She pointed toward the area of the store where the cash register was situated.

Rhadan moved his head slowly so she could see the rows of shelves overflowing with soaps, jars, and creams. Every one had a handmade tag, and she had sat with Natalie and Mara often when they made them. It had seemed strange to her that a woman of Mara’s power would take the time to make the tags, but now that she saw them, she understood the pride Mara and Natalie had in the store. Those little details were small, but they added to the warmth of the place.

Tears formed in her eyes when his gaze fell on the silver tree beside the sales counter. Several of her silver pendants hung from it. She had learned to make jewelry before she lost her sight. She could no longer see the stones. Mara had picked her the loveliest materials to work with and her necklaces and bracelets caught the light as they reflected the midday sun filtering through the stained-glass windows. “It’s so beautiful.”

“You have a gift for creating the most imaginative pieces. It is no wonder they are so popular with the store’s clientele.”

“I feel what I want to do, and Mara or Natalie explain the color of the stone, but I couldn’t see it. The amethyst is my favorite. What a beautiful color.”

He turned to her, and she blinked several times. She hadn’t seen her own reflection since she was a child, and she couldn’t believe the beautiful woman before her was really her. The milky green eyes were a clear giveaway she was blind, but her long black hair was silky and radiant. There appeared to be a glow around her, and she took a moment to realize she was seeing Rhadan’s version of her.

She had never considered herself an angel, but in his eyes, she was much more ethereal. Her fingers went to her face, and it was like looking in a mirror, except she could feel everything he did. Her skin was creamy with a hint of rouge in her cheeks, though she wore no makeup.

The last time Robin had visited, she had offered to do Tempest’s makeup, but she had felt there was no point. She had no one to impress, and she would never see the makeover. Robin had been disappointed, but had made up for it with naughty talk about her mate Ash.

Rhadan leaned toward her, his voice whispered in her ear. “What kind of naughty talk?”

She chuckled, then turned toward the door when it chimed. Mara walked in, followed by her mate. The glow around Legion made the gold flecks in his hair sparkle. He was like a gold Christmas display.

“Holy shit.”

Rhadan chuckled. “Legion holds the power of the dragons. He is... something.”

Mara stopped beside the couch. “Tempest, can you see us?”

Legion motioned toward Rhadan. “He is allowing her to use his eyes.”

Mara squealed and dashed over to hug Tempest. “That is amazing.”

Tempest laughed. “Isn’t it? I can’t wait to start making new jewelry. I may have to teach Rhadan how to spin the silver.”

Legion chuckled. “Dragons have a natural talent with alloys and gems. He will be quite an asset in your creative process.” He turned toward the women. “Allow me to assist with the customers.”

Mara nodded as Legion moved toward the cafe. But as soon as he approached, Sam grabbed her bag from the table. She had left it on. “I should go, Tempest. I will be back tomorrow. I have to grab my things and pay my bill at the motel.”
