Page 18 of Rhadan

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Legion arched an eyebrow as Sam hastily left the store.

Mara sat beside her and grabbed her hand. “Tell me everything.”

Tempest didn’t get a chance to respond as Rhadan growled.


Rhadan pulled Tempest against his body when she stood. He was forced to break their connection so he could focus on the threat outside.

Legion’s power flared out, freezing the customers in the store when Samantha screamed. “You sensed the disturbance before she screamed. Who is it? I sense no one.”

“It is Allorin. He can shroud his presence using his new magic, it seems,” Rhadan said.

“Yet you still recognized him?” Legion said, moving to Mara’s side.

“I can sense any I have connected with. It is not the same as dragon magic. Radiance sucks the essence of those around me. Allorin has created a barrier, but he is not fully immune.”

“What is he doing?”

“Waiting for me to join him outside. He is holding Samantha in stasis. I am not sure he knows she is a druid.”

Legion sighed. “I shouldn’t keep him waiting then.”

Rhadan put his hand on Legion’s arm. “This is my fight. He wishes to take my mate. You will protect the women.”

Legion nodded. “Of course, Rhadan.” He had never hated himself more. Legion had kept the faith and the temple alive for thousands of years, so the dragons would have a second chance. He had ensured that the druids would resurface, including the one Rhadan planned to claim. While Legion was too powerful to become obsessed with Rhadan, he couldn’t ignore a direct command. He had always been careful not to order his leader. Until now.

Tempest moved in his mind. He will understand. It wasn’t your intention to control him.

He couldn’t express what her words meant, but it didn’t change the truth. It never is. He strode toward the door and yanked it open.

Allorin was holding Sam by the throat as Marken stood beside him. The dead look in the dark dragon’s eyes made Rhadan pause. Sam displayed a similar look, as if she was blind to the world around her.

“What have you done to them?”

Allorin smiled. “I should thank you. That power of yours was my inspiration. I have created my own form of radiance.”

He shouldn’t be surprised the dark dragons exploited his gift, and the name given by his mother. “Whatever you have done to them, it is not a form of radiance.”

Allorin chuckled. “I suppose the mage version is a little different, but at least my subjects won’t go mad. They have no concept of what is transpiring around them. My puppets are completely loyal.”

Rhadan focused on the dark dragon enslaved by Allorin. “Marken, hear my voice.”

The man shook as if he wanted to respond to Rhadan. His hands fisted at his sides.

Allorin hissed. “Marken, you will stay where you are. You are under my control.”

Rhadan pitched his voice low. “Marken, bring me the druid and kill the mage.”

Marken growled before he lunged at Allorin. The mage was forced to shove the girl at Marken and defend himself as the dark dragon sprouted thick claws and swung them at Allorin’s neck.

Rhadan dashed forward and grabbed Samantha, holding her beside him as Marken advanced on Allorin. The mage hissed. “You will pay for this.” A portal enveloped him and Marken before both disappeared.

Samantha shook her head as her eyes focused. She inhaled deeply, then leaned toward Rhadan. “Hey, stud.”

Rhadan released her and backed away, putting a couple of feet between them. “You should return to your motel and retrieve your things. Tempest is looking forward to you moving in.”

She glanced at the parking lot. “I am not sure I want to live here if I have to worry about purple-robed magicians.”
