Page 19 of Rhadan

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Rhadan made a tentative push against the shield in her mind. It was too risky to break and too strong to influence. “He is a mage, but you are safer here than anywhere else. He will come after you again.”

Her eyes narrowed on him. “Get out of my mind. You are sexy enough that I will do as you ask.” Her nose scrunched as if she were angry. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that.”

“You are being influenced, but I am surprised you felt the brush against your mind.”

She huffed. “You are not my first intruder.”

Rhadan arched an eyebrow. “Another speaks to you telepathically?”

“Yeah.” She slapped her hand to her mouth and swore under her breath.

“Do you know who this man who speaks to you is?”

“A figment of my imagination. But at least he isn’t some deranged asshole who thinks he is a magician.”

Rhadan understood that Sam believed Allorin was human. She didn’t understand how he performed his trick, but she did not think his magic was real. That worked to his advantage. For now. The intruder in her mind was worrisome, but Kell had spoken to his mate for years, though neither he nor Alana had understood the bond. Was one of his brethren waking? He hoped so. “I see.”

Samantha batted her eyelashes at him. “Do you want to grab a coffee?” she took a step back. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what is wrong with me.”

Rhadan hated these moments. When a being of power tried to fight him and couldn’t. The embarrassment and pain were written on her face. He didn’t need to read her mind to know what she was thinking. She hated herself for making advances on Tempest’s man. “You have done nothing wrong. I will inform Tempest you will be back tomorrow.”

Samantha twirled around and jogged away.

He stared at her as she glanced back with suspicion in her eyes. She didn’t understand why she reacted to Rhadan as she had, but she suspected it wasn’t natural attraction. He was thankful she was a druid, and he didn’t have to worry about her long-term mental state. He had always envied his brethren with their powers to put another member of his race to sleep or create an unparalleled glamor. Every dragon seemed to have a gift that helped the clan in some way. Except him.

Come back inside. Tempest moved in his mind. He smiled at her impatience. Real emotion was new to him, and he found he enjoyed the mystery of it all. What she would say or do. Her reactions to seeing the store for the first time had filled his heart with joy as much as her wonder over how she looked. She was his one chance at a normal life. His lone miracle to buffer his power, or at least be the one person he couldn’t influence. To see him for who he was. Good or bad. He no longer knew which it was anymore.

You are sad? Why? Tempest asked.

The memory rolled through his mind, and he didn’t try to stop it. Tempest deserved the truth. The darkness of his power and why he needed her.

He was sitting at a stone table. His mother had made his favorite stew. How he loved her cooking. She was a daughter of the temple and the herbs she grew always had the most exquisite taste. His friends often found excuses to show up at dinnertime, and his mom would laugh at their antics. He had eaten three bowls in a row and when the stew ran out, he had told his mother to make more.

He had expected her to laugh and say he had enough for five children, but she grabbed her basket and went to the garden. She came back a half hour later with freshly picked vegetables and herbs. When his father asked her what she was doing, she told him she was making more stew.

Rhadan had thought it odd at first, but he didn’t realize he had influenced his mother until his father said she could do it tomorrow. She refused and began to chop the vegetables. His father told her to stop a second time. It was too late to start cooking again and his mother refused.

Rhadan had spoken up and told his mother he was only kidding and didn’t need more food. She then stopped and asked if he needed anything else. His father began to question Rhadan after that, and it wasn’t long before they realized everyone, including his parents, could be controlled.

He remembered crying when he was still learning to watch his words around others and his mother had hugged him and told him he would be okay. Someday, his power would reveal its purpose. He had never found one, but he had been thankful for his mother. Her love had been pure before his magic emerged and after. Right until she died.

His dragon groaned under the weight of his final memory, finding his parents dead in each other’s arms. They had known that the final day was coming and had left him a note. They told him they loved him, and they were sorry they couldn’t guide him. His burden was harder than any other, except for Legion, and to be careful with his power.

Back in the store was the first time he broke that promise and he turned to return to the scene of his crime. His mate was waiting for him.

He was considered the most beautiful among his kind and his own mate couldn’t see him. Perhaps that too was a blessing.

Tempest moved in his mind and his hand froze on the door handle to the store. I see you.


Tempest smiled as the world returned to color. As soon as Rhadan entered the store, he restored the connection that allowed her to see through his eyes. It was strange watching him approach her, and she noticed the women turn to look at Rhadan, but his eyes remained on her. She held her hand out to him as soon as he neared the couch, and he took it immediately. The familiar warmth traveled up her arm.

“Let’s go upstairs now. Legion and Mara will watch the store for a while.”

Mara stopped in front of her and put on her apron. “Legion has... taken care of our customers. I will clean up the broken glass.”

She had forgotten something had broken. She’d heard the shatter, but with everything that had happened, she hadn’t looked for the source. “Thank you, Mara.”
