Page 37 of Rhadan

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Tempest had enjoyed a leisurely day with Rhadan. They had walked the trails and visited the caves, so Tempest could see where the temple was located. He had introduced her to several sleeping dragons, though he hadn’t disturbed their slumber. He explained that only Legion could converse with all the dragons, but his power had allowed him to speak with those he had connected with. His childhood friends. She had marveled at the dark purple color of one of the dragons named Siro. There were a few purples, but the color was rare.

She was changing into a long cream-colored robe and was buttoning the front. “I was thinking about the dragons.”

“You are wondering why there are so few purple dragons?”

“Sort of. There is only one gold, but the other colors are fairly equal in numbers except purple. Why is that?”

“Why do so few humans have yellow eyes? This anomaly exists in your genetics, but the color is rare.”

“I see. It just is. Well, I have to admit, I am a little smitten with that color.”

“I will ensure Siro and his purple brethren do not wake for several centuries, then.”

She laughed. “Don’t tell me you are jealous?”

Rhadan was quiet for a few seconds. “I had never experienced this emotion before, but I believe you are correct.”

She walked over to him as he pulled on a black T-shirt. “I am only admiring his color. It’s pretty. I love you.”

His lips dropped to hers and the room fell away as she lost herself in the feel of him against her. “I wish we could continue, but your sisters and my brethren are already making their way to the temple.”

She dropped her hands from his chest. “We should join them then.”

Rhadan took her hand and led her from the room and down the steps. The cabin had remained empty, except for her and Rhadan since she had declared the meeting at the temple. What would life be like if they succeeded? She already knew what would happen if they failed. Death.

Ironically, the accident that had supposedly taken her sight had given her a different perspective on death. She lived in the moment, even when she believed the lies Devlin had fed her. Now she feared Rhadan’s death. That of the dragon species more than her own.

The humans didn’t realize they had beautiful five-ton scaled protectors, but people were perceptive. On some level, they would feel the loss of the dragons. Their magic would die with them, and the world would never be the same.

They walked hand in hand outside, and onto the trail that led to the caves. It was dark and while she would never have been able to see with her own eyes, even before she lost her sight, Rhadan showed her the beauty of the night. His dragon eyesight was like night vision, only with more color.

His magic flared as they entered the caves. The wards recognized them as if welcoming an old friend and they passed safely through the magic shielding before navigating the tunnels and entering the large cavern that housed the temple.

They had been there less than eight hours ago, but the temple looked different since their last visit. The exterior was almost solid. They could still see the uneven rock walls on the other side, but the mist that swirled over the Scottish-looking construction was opaque with flickers of blue.

“What is happening?”

“We aren’t sure,” Mara said as Rhadan turned to look at the women.

The circle holders were all there and every one of them wore a similar cream robe. All except Mara. Hers was white.

Alana pointed at the temple. “None of us can connect with Adara.”

Tempest reached out for Adara, but like her druid sisters, her call fell on deaf ears. “She won’t answer me.”

Mara nodded. “I think it’s like a calm before the storm. I think she is resting. Gathering her energy. I fear she will be weak at first.”

Natalie rubbed her belly. “Like a newborn baby type thing?”

Mara shrugged. “Newborns are exhausted after birth. Honestly, I am not sure how this works or the effects it will have on Adara.”

Tempest frowned. “Does anyone know what we are supposed to do? Adara said I had to perform the ritual, but I have no idea what that is.”

Tempest hadn’t noticed the small book in Alana’s hands until she handed it to Tempest. “Our family has been protecting this since the druids sent their magic into the world. I can’t read it, but I am hoping you can.”

Tempest took the book from Alana and opened the old leather binding. “Rhadan, I can’t see it unless you look at the pages. I need you to help me.”
