Page 46 of Rhadan

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The broadsword was much heavier than the human version, and the jewels that adorned the hilt were like a dragon’s coat of arms. Gargo’s stones had turned black, as all dark dragons’ did. The stainless-steel blade was just as deadly, however.

They circled one another slowly before Gargo swung his blade toward Rhadan. The wind whistled as the massive sword arced through the air and the sparks created as the two blades met in the air erupted like sparklers. The sound echoed through the cavern, but everyone was busy in their own battles.

They continued to parry and thrust their death blades at one another until Rhadan turned and elbowed Gargo in the stomach. He spun in the opposite direction, then drive his blade backward. He felt the thrum of power as it cut through flesh and bone. The sizzle in the air and the smell of burning flesh surrounded him before he pulled his blade from Gargo’s body and turned around. “I am sorry, my brother. I wish you peace in the next life.”

Gargo fell to his knees and gripped the hole in his heart. Blood pumped from between his fingers, but his magic could not save him. A dragon blade to the heart was fatal, and Gargo coughed up blood as he met Rhadan’s sad gaze. “You will join me.”

There was something in Gargo’s face that alerted him to danger. He moved to the side as a blade erupted through his stomach. Pain exploded in his body as if his veins were ignited in flame. Dragons didn’t fear being burned alive, but that was what it felt like. His blood vessels felt like they were full of acid as he stumbled forward and fell to the ground. His sword flickered and disappeared as he lacked the strength to maintain it. He rolled onto his back and looked up at the mage.

The sword Allorin used hung in midair and Rhadan realized his mistake. Allorin didn’t need to grip his sword. He had evolved past the boundaries of magic that the dragons of color maintained. This was dark mage magic and Rhadan feared the consequences for its rebirth. “I told you this was the end for you, Rhadan. I had hoped Gargo would be strong enough to relieve you of your life, but I should have known better. If the humans I have consumed over the years have taught me anything, it’s that if you want something done right, you need to do it yourself.”

Rhadan struggled for breath. He glanced toward the temple, looking for his mate. The druids had returned to the temple when Allorin had attacked, and he was sure Adara was protecting them. He prayed Tempest could survive without him. He had failed. After all this time, he had found a mate, one immune to his power, and he had lost her because he wasn’t strong enough to live.

Allorin raised his hands as Tempest called out. “Allorin!”


Tempest stood on the outer wall that surrounded the temple. The stone ramparts were high but still dwarfed by the large cavern. Allorin turned to look at her as Daisy launched herself at the mage.

With the mage focused on the dragons and druids, he never noticed the white wolf sneak into the caves or stalk her prey. Wolves were notorious hunters, but he had discounted the pet as weak and old. The latter was true, but a wolf never went down without a fight, and they always protected their pack.

He screamed when Daisy’s canines ripped into his neck and he blasted the wolf, sending her into the air with a spray of red over her fur. She bounced on the ground when she landed and never moved.

Allorin put his fingers to his wound as the tissue melded together and a roar echoed through the cavern. It wasn’t the anger of a dragon. This was larger. Angrier. And far more powerful.

The black dragons backed away when Ren exited the temple. His wolf’s form was intact, but he was three times his original size and acid dripped from his fangs, steaming on the ground as he snarled at the mage. The iridescent glow surrounding him was as unnerving as his size.

Rhadan stood up and she could see him healing the wound in his stomach as Allorin focused on the massive wolf approaching him. She searched for the bond they shared, and it took some effort to connect with him. Rhadan?

Yes, my love.

You scared the crap out of me.

I assure you that was not my intention.

Are you alright? she asked.

A dragon sword is one of the few things that can kill us, but he did not pierce my heart. I will heal in time.

Allorin pointed at the wolf. “Kill him. He is just a wolf. Do not allow his size to fool you.”

One of the darks rushed at Ren with a sword he manifested from thin air, but when he thrust the blade at Ren’s body, it met nothing but mist. While Ren’s body was insubstantial, his jaws were jagged razor blades. He bit the man’s head, severing it from his neck in one loud chomp. He spit the bloody flesh on the ground as the body fell to the cavern floor.

The darks moaned and stepped away from the advancing wolf.

Allorin hissed. “That is impossible.”

“I have released the stasis spell. Shift and attack the wolf. Get me the book!” Allorin screamed, and the darks shifted to their dragon forms. The dragon mates followed suit, and the cavern was filled with snarling dragons, with little room to maneuver.

The other druids joined Tempest on the ramparts of the temple. They surveyed the carnage around them as the dragons fought one another.

Tempest put her hands to her sides. “Take my hands. We need to save Daisy and boost Rhadan’s power.”

She was thankful her sisters didn’t question her. They all linked hands, and Tempest focused her power on the white wolf lying in a pool of her own blood. She searched for the life force surrounding the body and whimpered when she couldn’t find one.

The hand on her shoulder was familiar, and it filled her with love and sadness. “I am sorry Tempest. Daisy did not survive the attack. She can no longer exist in your world. Focus on Rhadan. Give him your combined power.”

Tears streamed down her face as she focused on the combined magic of the druids and the temple on Rhadan. She understood what it was to be the gatekeeper. She could hold the power of all of them or release it on a person or place of her choosing. The bond between her and Rhadan pulsed as she fed him their combined power.
