Page 12 of The Host

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“I don’t have two weeks off,” Bobby blurted with contentment.

“But I do… and between your mother-in-law and me, I think we could both handle two muddy kids!”

Bobby was contemplative for a moment and then a wide smile spread across his face. He tapped on his phone for a few seconds and then put his phone down and waited.

“What? What did you do? Did you do it?” Matt’s eyes raised with bewildered excitement. Matt then felt his own phone vibrate.

“Grab your phone!” Bobby directed.

“What did you do?” Matt demanded.

“Just open your email.”

Matt reached for his phone and opened the same email that was sent to Bobby. Matt raised his eyes to look at Bobby without moving his head. He slowly asked, “What did you do?”

“Let’s both sign up. The likelihood of either of us getting picked is something I wouldn’t bet on, and then maybe I can get my mother-in-law off my back for at least half a year… a whole year if I’m lucky.”

Matt continued to stare at his friend until he had a strange feeling come over him. He hadn’t felt this particular feeling in a very long time, so he pushed it back to where it came from but decided he could refuse or sound crazy during the interview if they wanted to choose him.

Matt opened the email and read the description again that he read on Bobby’s phone. “We do this together or the deal is off.”

“Deal!” Bobby smiled.

They took the next thirty minutes filling in the required fields, taking multiple pictures of each other and adding them to the file. It stated that the previously selected male Host had quit his contract when he found love on his own. Since the show was due to start airing the following week, investors would pay the person chosen to be The Host $50,000 cash for signing on and an additional $50,000 in gifts and endorsements.

Even if Matt didn’t find his “eternal love”, he would definitely come away with more money in his pocket… and lots of female attention.

That would make his father so proud of him… not!

He was what he was, so why not go out with a bang?

He systematically filled out the questionnaire and submitted all the required documentation until he got to the green submit button. He looked over to see how far along Bobby was with filling out his page and saw he had just clicked on the agreement to terms box. Bobby looked up and grinned at Matt.

“Shall we do this?” Bobby asked.

“Wait!” Matt stopped.

“Are ya chicken?” Bobby asked.

“Nope, but are you? Give me your phone!”

“What?” Bobby’s eyes widened.

“We’re switching phones! I submit yours and you submit mine. That way, you don’t get away with not clicking yours.”

“Damn it!” Bobby muttered. “Fine. Neither one of us will be picked anyway. Give me your phone!”

Matt laughed as they traded phones.

“Ready, set, click!” Bobby hollered.

Matt touched the green tab on Bobby’s phone and Bobby touched the green tab on Matt’s phone.

They sat expectantly for a brief second as if they expected something monumental to happen, but a young cry from a room down the hall interrupted the silence.

“If only she was a minute earlier!” laughed Matt. “Go get your baby girl so she can get to know me!”

Matt smiled to himself as he heard his friend chuckling as he went down the hall.
