Page 122 of The Host

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“I love you more, my sweet Evie!”

“Oh, really?” she challenged.

“I believe so!” he replied.

“I think you should try to prove that!” she teased and then saw Matt’s face blanch. She looked at the direction he was staring and then squeezed her husband’s hands. “Go to him,” she encouraged.

Evie watched her brave husband walk to his father. His father dropped his carry-on and wrapped his arms around his son. Then Evie saw the slight shuddering of shoulders from both men. Evie’s tears began to fall, but she didn’t prevent them.

“Thank you!”

Evie glanced to her right and saw Aunt Molly crying as well.

“Why?” Evie asked.

“Because you have reunited my brother and nephew.”

“I don’t really think I had anything to do with that. You should thank Amanda since it’s her place I took.”

“She already heaps all sorts of praise upon herself for bringin' you two together. It’s you that I thank, Evie. Your tender, yet feisty spirit. It’s exactly what Matt needed.”

“He’s what I needed,” Evie replied.

“Then I’ll thank Matt when he’s done crying all over my brother!” Molly laughed.

The foundation had been laid and a little over a year later it was solid. Evie knew the only reason it was solid was because both she and Matt humbled themselves before the Lord to allow Him to make it solid. She also knew that they would continue to need to rely on Him to keep their foundation solid.

Trials will come, tests will arise… but through God everything is possible.
