Page 121 of The Host

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The reason they were moving was probably the main reason Matt felt his nerves begin to unravel.

His parents were coming home from their mission.

It had been nine months since they last saw each other… his parents had flown in briefly for their wedding. Now that his parents’ mission was over, and they would be living within a five-mile distance of each other, their relationship would either be strengthened or get worse.

Evie had faith that it would improve.

Matt emailed his dad faithfully, his dad called him on the day Matt went to the temple for the first time, and cried with Matt when Matt called to say there was something wrong with one of the babies.

Despite these positive moves towards developing a healthy parent-child relationship, Matt was still nervous about being in close proximity to them. Matt had expressed how hard it was to break old habits. Evie reminded him how he had broken his old habits in lieu of better things as well as Evie breaking some of her old, prejudiced thoughts.

Matt laughed and placed a tender kiss below her left shoulder on the place where Evie had the date of when they left the mansion together… tattooed.

She secretly got the tattoo a week before they were married. Weeks prior to the tattoo, Matt mentioned briefly how he knew he was made clean after going through the temple, but some things were more visible than others. Some sins look different than other sins, but they were still the same… sin.

After wrestling with her own thoughts of how her own pride prevented her from seeing Matt the way the Lord did, she offered a prayer one evening. To her surprise, a vision of a date on her shoulder came to mind. She quickly shoved that thought away from her mind, but after pondering Matt’s comment, she wondered if it would be the right thing to do. Surprisingly enough, the Lord didn’t say no… or yes. The Lord left that decision up to her.

Evie smiled.

She remembered the look of shock and then the huge smile that spread across his face on their wedding night.

Evie smiled broadly.

“You are happy!” Kimi commented bringing Evie back to where she currently stood.

“I am, Mom. Very!”

“Do you need to sit?” Kimi asked.

“Not you, too!” Evie moaned.

Kimi laughed.

“Your time will come… very quickly, I might add… when you understand that a mother’s job is never finished… no matter how old their children are.”

“I love you, too, Mom.”

“I’m proud of you, Evie!”

Evie’s eyes started to tear.

“Great!” Evie muttered. “I’m officially a mom crier!”

“It’s in your genes, I dare say, as well as fast hair growth.” Kimi reached up and touched the ends of Evie’s hair that was now shoulder length. “It must be all the hormones with growing two babies.”

Evie grabbed her mom and hugged her the best she could with her belly in the way. “I’m so glad you’re here, but I am scared.”

“We all are, a little. We don’t know what’s in store for the little ones but you have a great doctor. Your C-section is scheduled for next week and Dad and I will stay as long as you and Matt need us.”

“It’s a good thing John has agreed to let Dad help out at Marie Manor. I think Dad would go stir crazy otherwise.”

“I think Matt will go stir crazy if you don’t go over to him.” Kimi motioned to where Spence and Matt stood with Dave.

Evie looked at her husband and restrained her urge to giggle. Matt did indeed look as if he’d like to sprout wings and fly to her. Instead, she began to shuffle toward him and he met her half way.

They kissed, as best as they could with two children in the way.

“I love you, Matt!”
