Page 2 of The Host

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“It would,” Evie agreed. “But this Christmas isn’t our Christmas with my family.”

“What do you mean?” Keith asked.

“Renee and her family will spend this year with Hadley’s parents, Shayla and her family stay in Ireland this year so they wouldn’t be able to come, and Boden’s football season isn’t over until after mid-January so we won’t know whether they’ll be in the playoffs or not until late December.”

“Your family is so big that someone is bound to miss someone’s wedding,” Keith laughed.

Evie’s excitement fell a little as she shook her head. “I don’t want any of my family to miss my wedding. I don’t want to be one of those couples,” she added. “My family is everything.”

“But we’re starting our little family and it should be a priority, right?”

Evie didn’t want to agree, but he made sense, so she agreed with him.

“Besides, I’m not sure it would be good for us to wait that long to get married. December is in six months and Colorado often doesn’t show signs of spring until late April.”

“Keith, I don’t want to get married in Colorado,” Evie interjected. “I always envisioned getting married in California and having our reception at the family ranch.”

Keith laughed aloud. “Don’t get me wrong, Evie,” Keith continued to laugh. “I love your family ranch, but it’s not idyllic for a wedding locale. Besides, the nearest temple is the Fresno temple and it isn’t the best place for iconic photographs. There’s nothing around it. We can, however, do an open house there for your friends after the honeymoon. Which leads me to our next question,” Keith continued. “Where do you want to honeymoon? Hawaii or the Caribbean?”

Evie didn’t respond, nor did she look at Keith. She was still trying to wrap her brain around the idea of having her wedding reception someplace other than the ranch where she grew up.


Evie felt Keith grab her hand and gently squeeze it.

“Hawaii or the Caribbean?” he inquired again.

Evie turned to look at her fiancé and tried to slow down the pounding thoughts bouncing around her head.

“I see we should table this conversation for later, Evie. Besides, we’re here at the restaurant. Let’s go inside and order before your stomach starts to growl. Then maybe we can go over the list my dad and I put together.”

“A list?” Evie whispered. Lists were something she could wrap her mind around and she welcomed the idea as she nodded her head and smiled.

“I knew you’d like that!” Keith responded as he leaned over and gave her a quick kiss and then got out of the car. He walked around the car and opened Evie’s car door, then offered a hand to assist her as she got out.

Once they were seated at their table inside the restaurant, Evie held her hand out.

“What?” Keith asked.

“The list. Let me see the list,” she requested with a smile.

“There’s my Evie!” Keith smiled. He reached into his pocket and took out the neatly folded piece of paper and handed it to Evie. “My dad sat me down last night and had me write a list of questions he thinks we should ask each other before we get married, so we don’t get surprised after we’re married.”

Evie read the first question. “Does Evie plan to continue to work after we get married?” she read aloud. Evie looked up and said, “Yes.”

Keith’s eyes widened with surprise. “Really? Why?”

“Because I’d be really bored if I didn’t work, besides… I didn’t go to veterinarian school to not use it.”

“Maintaining a house takes a lot of work. My mother says that all the time. She says she’d never have time to work full-time and keep the house clean.”

“Your parents have a big house. I’m sure we’ll only have an apartment until we are more financially stable and can afford a house.”

“That does make sense.”

“And we can put the money I earn into savings to help with the down payment of our first home,” Evie added.

Keith’s eyes widened again with acceptance as he nodded his head.
