Page 3 of The Host

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“Question number two, how soon after being married should we start having children?” Evie read and then looked up. “That’s a good question. What do you think?”

“I think we should start right away.”

“You don’t want a couple of years just the two of us before we fill our home with children?”

“Don’t you think that’s selfish?”

“Not really.”

“It is our responsibility to replenish the earth,” Keith teased.

“How about we wait a year and then revisit this question,” Evie suggested.

“I’m okay with that.”

The server came to the table, so Evie placed the paper down while Keith ordered their food.

“Actually,” Evie interrupted. “I’m in the mood for something different tonight.”

“But you always order the spaghetti with meat sauce,” Keith interjected.

“I know, but I’m in the mood for something different.” Evie looked up at the server and said, “Instead, I’d like to order the eggplant parmesan with meat sauce.”

“Good choice,” the server responded.

“Are you okay?” Keith asked.

“Ya, I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

“You were acting weird in the car and now you’re ordering something you’ve never ordered before.”

“I was silent in the car because we have different opinions on when and where to get married, but as for ordering something different, most people don’t always eat the same thing. It’s nice to change things up a bit.”

“Okay,” Keith replied hesitantly.

“Are you ready for the next question?” Evie asked with excitement.

Keith nodded.

“Question number three. Once children are born, will Evie stay home with the kids?”

“That’s a no-brainer!” Keith interjected. “Of course, you will!”

“Really?” Evie asked with a bit of sarcasm. “That seems a little sexist. What if I have a better-paying job?”

“As a vet tech?” Keith laughed. “I don’t think so.

“I’m currently a vet tech, but I’m hoping to find a veterinary position… very soon.”

“But what if you don’t? Besides, you’re much better with kids than I am.”

“That might be the case, but even though I love to eat, as you know, I’m a horrible cook.”

“My mom said she was a horrible cook when she got married, but she got better at it.”

“But my problem is I don’tliketo cook.”

There was a moment of awkward silence before Evie continued. “I’m going to add my own question. If I stay home with the kids, what will you do when you get home from work?”
