Page 23 of The Host

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“Ahhhh, you don’t!”


“Seriously. You’ll get to meet them the first evening as they exit their limousines one at a time.”

“Do they know what I look like?”

“Yes, they do. Your picture was emailed to them the day you agreed.”

“That doesn’t seem fair.”

“That’s part of the show, my friend. The first evening is live, so the camera will get your initial reaction the moment you see each woman.” Tom then laughed loudly. “You might want to try to practice a pleased facial expression on the off chance some of the ladies don’t meet your approval.”

Matt suddenly felt ill. He had sisters and it always upset him while they were growing up when any of his sisters said something negative about themselves. As he stood up, he made a promise that he would intentionally find one thing about each woman that was pleasing to his eye and let them know it during their first meeting.

“Are you ready to see the mansion?” Tom blurted.

Matt looked at Tom and nodded.

“Great!” Tom picked up his phone. “He’s ready!” Tom uttered into the receiver and then hung up the phone.

Moments later, Sam, the production manager, entered Tom’s cubicle area and told Matt he would walk him through the mansion. Sam showed him where he would stand the first night as the twenty-five young women exited their limousines and be introduced to him.

Sam then walked Matt through the front door which opened into a large entry hall. The marble flooring, two polished wooden staircases, and crystal chandeliers were prominent fixtures.

As they walked into the living space, Matt noticed an enormous granite fireplace and a carved mantel.

“We’ve brought in multiple couches, love seats, and cozy chairs to provide intimate places for you to talk and get to know the women. Follow me to the dining area.”

Matt’s eyes widened as he walked into a room with two huge tables, pushed to the ends of the room as workers were laying tablecloths and getting the area ready for the guests… if he could call the women guests.

He suddenly felt that the women were prey and he was the predator. It didn’t sit right with him.

“Keep up, Matt,” Sam uttered.

Matt pushed his predator thought to the back of his mind as he continued to follow Sam. They quickly walked through the most pristine-looking kitchen he had ever seen, but Sam said the kitchen was for show only as the main kitchen was downstairs in the west wing. The women were only allowed in the east wing downstairs.

Sam ushered Matt outside to an enormous patio with many private and intimate sitting areas along with a couple of group sitting areas. The pool was spectacular with multiple waterfalls, a rockslide, and two hot tubs on opposite ends of the pool. Lounge chairs with pillows and side tables were strategically placed around the pool.

“When do I get to swim in that?” Matt mused.

“You can go tonight if you’d like,” Sam replied. “Just let me know and I’ll make sure it’s all set for you.”

“Wow,” Matt replied.

When they entered the mansion from another door, Sam pointed upstairs. “Some of the women will be sleeping on the second floor. Do you want to see?”

“Sure,” Matt replied.

“Once the women arrive, you will not be allowed up there.”

“Makes sense,” Matt responded as they began climbing the stairs.

Sam opened the first door. Inside were three single, unmade beds with a nightstand and light next to each one.

“Two rooms upstairs have three beds and a full bath. The master bedroom has five beds. Both rooms downstairs have four beds.”

“There are five bedrooms in this house with their own bathrooms?” Matt replied in awe.
