Page 36 of The Host

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“You’re on live TV!” she yelled to herself. “Get your act together!”

Then Matt smiled. Her quick self-talk about getting her act together went right out the door… and she smiled in return.

Matt took a step toward her and held the invitation within her reach.

“Will you accept this invitation?”

The look on Matt’s face was a combination of hope and fear. Once again, his look surprised Evie as she couldn’t understand the emotional investment he seemed to have in handing her the invitation.

The look was so enduring, that she felt her arm reach out and take the invitation. Then she nodded her head.

“Thank you,” Matt mouthed silently. He then turned around and stood next to Carl.

“Evie,” Carl said. “You have received the last invitation tonight. Please go stand with the other ladies.”

Evie turned and walked to join the other eighteen women.

“Laura, Coreen, Marci, Valerie, Clare, and Tamisyn. We thank you for coming and being with us tonight. I’m sorry tonight didn’t turn out the way you had hoped, but I wish you all the luck in your future endeavors.”

Some of the women had tears in their eyes and the others stood stoically.

“Please follow Sam as he will show you where to go.”

Carl then turned to the camera. “Audience, we are so glad you got to join us live tonight. As we sign off being live tonight, rest assured that we will continue recording, both audio and visual, and our editing team will put together an hour's worth of entertainment every week until we get to the final pick from our Host. Until our next live show which will be a recap of everything that will happen from here on out… I’m signing off!”

Carl blew a kiss to the camera and Evan yelled, “Cut!” from behind his wall. The red ‘live’ button turned off and everyone seemed to relax a tad.

“Everyone,” Evan hollered as he appeared from behind his wall. “The cameras will continue to be taping and your microphones need to stay on your person until it’s time for bed. Ladies, go to the kitchen and get something to eat. Matt, Carl, come with me.”

Matt and Carl followed Evan down a hallway and out of sight.

Evie reached down and took off her shoes.

She sighed a heavenly sigh of relief as her toes enjoyed the softness of the plush rug beneath her feet.

Evie turned to the sound of someone laughing next to her.

“Evie, right?” Callie asked.

“Yes, and you’re Callie?”

“That I am.” Callie reached down and took off her shoes as well. “I’m going to follow suit. That was a long time to be standing on your feet.”

“Especially if you were the first person here!” chimed in another person.

“Hi, I’m Callie! Were you the first person here?” she asked.

“I sure was!”

“I’m Evie. What’s your name?”

“My name is Baylor, and my feet are minced meat,” Baylor giggled.

“I’m pretty sure there’s a pool and/or hot tub. Let’s grab some food and then go soak our feet,” Evie suggested.

“My kind of girl!” Callie concluded.

The three women headed to the kitchen, each grabbed a plate and placed a variety of finger foods on the plate, and then continued their way out to the back patio. One by one, the three placed their food on the pool deck and then hiked up their skirts as they sat down on the deck and placed their feet in the pool.
