Page 35 of The Host

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Why are there just women?

Where are the men?

Don’t men want better jobs as well?

Maybe they had the women come in first and the second half of the candidates will be men.

“Why didn’t I read the fine print on the contract when Amanda gave it to me?” she moaned quietly to herself.

Now that she was standing with twenty-four very beautiful women andnomen… the thought crossed her mind that she wouldn’t mind if she was sent home. Evie had seen the variety of reality shows Amanda loved to watch over the past year, but this sort of job search reality show was not on her radar. “Why in the world would these women flirt so openly with The Host? Wouldn’t that be considered harassment in the workplace?”

Granted, Matt was very good-looking and if she hadn’t been made of sterner stuff, she might have succumbed to flirting. In fact, she might have come across as flirty when she talked about her boots.

All she knew was her feet were killing her and she couldn’t wait to get out of her high heels and actually put her boots on!

“Live in 10, 9, 8,” yelled a cameraman.

Evie looked at Matt and wondered why he would do a show such as this. Well… she wasn’t one to ask as she found herself doing a show such as this.

“Welcome back,” Carl announced to the camera, “and ladies, Matt… we are excited to be at the end of our live two-hour airing. A lot has happened. Many of our audience members have gone online or texted the studios their hopeful candidates. In just a few seconds, we will soon find out which of our lovely ladies will be staying with us for another day, and which will be going home.”

“Are you ready, Matt?” Carl asked.

Matt nodded his head.

“You have your invitations?”

Matt lifted the nineteen invitations and nodded again.

“The time is yours, Matt.”

Matt took the stack of invitations that looked exactly like the letter she opened in the limousine during her ride to the mansion, and he walked forward. Evie didn’t know the names of all the ladies, but the ladies he did hand an invitation to were exceedingly grateful and some had tears in their eyes.

The tears took Evie by surprise. Who would cry over an invitation to stay to find a job? She guessed some of these women were truly desperate to find a job.

Everyone in her group was given an invitation… except for her. Crystal, Anya, Callie, and Verlia. Evie recognized Miss Avery when Matt gave her an invitation and the perfect, non-expressive acceptance seemed cold and calculating.

Finally, Matt held one invitation left. Carl asked the remaining seven women to step forward and state their names.








Evie felt awkward standing there. It was rather an unusual kind of feeling… as if she were last to be picked on the high school P.E. sport team… which never happened. She was really good at sports, and her brothers, being who they were… and are… no captain would ever not pick her in fear of having to face one of her brothers.

On one hand, if she didn’t get asked to stay, she could go home, and no one would be the wiser… that is if no one she knew actually watched the live show tonight. On the other hand, if she did get asked to stay, she would be sure to inquire in better detail exactly what would happen from here on out. Would they have classes on how to better fill out resumes? Would she be instructed on how to present herself during an interview? How exactly would this show… The Host… help her in finding a better job?

Then Evie stared into Matt’s eyes and all was lost. Her soul felt such a connection to him, that it made her body shiver from head to toe.
