Page 38 of The Host

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“Really?” Baylor enquired.

“Really. For example, our host… Mr. Matt… is really into you, Miss Evie,” Callie laughed quietly. “He tried really hard to mask his emotions towards you, but he feels a sense of protection towards you.”

“Did he look like that towards anyone else?” Evie asked as quietly as possible and still be audible.

“Did he show looks of interest? Yes, to many of us. Protection? I’d bet you were the only one he felt that way about.”

“But he shouldn’t feel that way,” Evie insisted. “None of that… especially interest… inthatway.”

“Why not?” smirked Callie.

“Because his job is to help us find better jobs! That’s why. Which, by the way, Callie, you love your job. So I don’t understand why you’re here?”

Callie’s eyes widened in surprise and she yelled, “A job?” as she turned to look at Baylor who had equal surprise on her expression.

“A job?” Baylor echoed in surprise.

Evie stared at Baylor and Callie’s similar expressions of surprise as the two began laughing hysterically. Evie thought she heard Callie say something about how everything made better sense now, but she wasn’t completely sure as Callie and Baylor’s laughter was overpowering her ability to hear what they were trying to say.

Evie knew she didn’t always pick up on social clues or innuendos as much as her siblings did, and she often didn’t get the joke or pick-up lines thrown her way. It usually didn’t bother her, but in this case, she felt like she was missing something really important. She would wait for her two new acquaintances to stop laughing so they could explain to her what she missed.

Before Callie and Baylor were able to calm down their laughter, a gong was heard from inside the house. The gong meant it was time for bed. Callie, still laughing, stood up and offered a hand to Evie and then Baylor.

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Evie asked.

Callie, still wiping away tears from laughing, said, “If you haven’t figured it out by tomorrow after breakfast, I’ll break the news to you.”

“Ladies,” Carl called from the main room. “Please, come and gather as I assign your sleeping arrangements.”

“Where’s Matt?” someone yelled.

“He’s not in the house,” Carl responded, “so no need to go searching for him.”

Evie shook her head again. These were some brazen women.

“There are two bedrooms in the basement and three upstairs. Please listen for your name and head either down or up the stairs. Your belongings are already placed in your assigned rooms. Each room has one bathroom, so plan accordingly for showers. We’ve added two extra mirrors with lights in each room to assist with make-up.”

“Nice!” someone hollered.

“Upstairs, in the master, will sleep five. Kristie, Emanee, Crystal, Bonnie and Zoe. Please follow our crew member with the letter ‘U1’ on her shirt. The crew members will also collect your microphones.”

The five women followed her as they climbed the stairs.

“Bedroom two will sleep three. Callie, Dorothy, and Verlia. Please follow our crew member with the ‘U2’ on her shirt.”

They followed.

Maeve, Carmela, and Baylor went upstairs to the third bedroom. “Downstairs, bedroom one will sleep four. Fran, Evie, Devanee, and Neveah.”

Evie hoped she’d have a chance to talk to Callie and Baylor before they went to sleep, but she could tell this wasn’t going to happen that evening. Tomorrow was a new day. Evie figured the other four women would be following her downstairs and saw their names taped on the door of the other bedroom.

When Evie entered her room, the other three had already claimed their beds, so Evie took the last one. It was the farthest away from the bathroom and in a little alcove, but she didn’t mind. Rooming with ‘Miss Perfect’ wasn’t high on her wish list, but she didn’t need to become best buds with anyone while she was there… looking for a job.

“You were the last one to receive an invitation tonight,” Neveah snickered. “So, I wouldn’t worry about unpacking! Although you probably didn’t think you were staying that long anyways because you barely brought any luggage.”

“I like to pack light,” Evie replied calmly. No need to give Neveah a reason to show her talons.

“Enjoy your last night!” Devanee smirked as she took something out of her suitcase.
