Page 39 of The Host

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While Evie waited for the three ‘divas’ to finish with the bathroom, she wondered what kinds of jobs they were looking for. She couldn’t imagine any employers who would want to work with anyone who was openly mean.

And what was it about looking for a job that sent both Callie and Baylor into fits of laughter? Her mind focused on the conversation they were having as she unpacked her toiletries and headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get ready for bed. She was grateful the other three women were busy chatting about their homelife, families… and who else… Matt.

That would get old soon. Evie was sure of that!

The next morning, Evie woke up to the sun shining and the sound of roommates getting ready in the bathroom. Two of her roommates were busy paying extra attention to their hair and make-up while the other one was ironing her outfit for the day.

The mattress wasn’t the most comfortable one, and her body was a little tight, so after she used the bathroom, she did some light stretches to wake herself up. After stretching, she slipped on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, put her hair in a messy bun, splashed some water on her face, and headed upstairs to the main floor to see what was available for breakfast. If she needed to go back downstairs to change into something a little nicer, she could do that after breakfast.

The minute she walked out of her bedroom door, there was a crew member waiting to attach a microphone to her. As she reached the landing, the kitchen commotion became louder as the smell of bacon, pastries, and other awesome breakfast foods reached her senses. Her stomach growled loudly because she had not eaten much the night before.

When Evie stepped into the kitchen, she froze in her steps. Many of the women were dressed to impress. She felt like a peasant compared to how the others were dressed. However, her grumbling stomach needed to be taken care of first before she continued to compare her dress to others.

Evie went to grab a plate when Callie approached her.

“You might want to wait,” Callie giggled.

“Why? I’m starving. Did you eat enough last night?”

“No, but Matt should be coming in soon and he’s going to ask a couple of us to have breakfast with him,” she added.

“I hope he asks me because I have a ton of questions,” Evie said.

“Did you figure out why we were laughing so hard last night?” Baylor chimed in, wrapping her arm over Evie’s.

“I’m not stupid, but my brothers always tell me I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed. I don’t always get jokes and such. Are you going to tell me what was so funny last night?”

“After breakfast… if you haven’t already figured it out,” Callie replied.

“Hi, Matt!” many of the women chimed.

Evie, Callie, and Baylor turned around to see a casually dressed Matt enter the kitchen. Evie’s heartbeat instantly began to run rampant as she tried casually to assess if every other woman in the kitchen’s heart rate did the same thing. They were all looking goo-goo eyed and awe-struck at him, so she figured he had the same effect on them as he did on her. How in the world would anyone there be able to get two decent sentences out while in his presence? She guessed it was a good thing he would invite more than one person to have breakfast with him.

Matt turned his gaze on Evie, looked at what she was wearing including the lack of footwear, and smiled. Now the heat was rising in her cheeks. She needed to get a hold of her senses before she ended up doing something totally stupid.

“Good morning, ladies. I hope you all slept well,” Matt greeted.

“Morning, handsome,” Neveah purred as she entered the kitchen followed by Devanee and Fran.

Matt acknowledged the three women as they entered the kitchen and waited until they were settled before he started to talk. “I’d like to invite five of you to breakfast this morning out on the mezzanine. The rest of you may eat breakfast here. After breakfast, there is an invitation for five of you to have lunch with me out on the private beach. After lunch, there will be another set of invitations for five of you to have dinner with me on the tennis courts.”

“During breakfast ladies,” Carl chimed in, “if you’re not having breakfast with Matt, please stay inside the house. Once breakfast on the mezzanine is over, you may use any part of the house as Matt will be planning his first one-on-one outing.”

“One-on-one outing?” Evie asked herself. “What does that mean?”

“In the evening,” Carl began, “everyone will meet up in the great room for drinks and desserts and then fourteen of you will receive invitations to stay. The remaining five will be heading home. Matt? Who would you like to invite to have breakfast with you this morning?

Matt looked around the kitchen area and smiled. “Bonnie? Will you have breakfast with me?”

“Yes, Matt. I’d love to.”

Matt continued to ask the same question to Sarah, Tatiana, Aaliyah, and Dorothy. The four women said yes and all five followed Matt outside to the mezzanine that overlooked the swimming pool.

Evie was grateful for the opportunity to grab some food as her stomach continued to growl.

After loading her plate with scrambled eggs, bacon, fruit, and toast, she found a place to sit at the table and motioned Callie and Baylor to join her.

“How can you eat all that food and keep your figure like that?” Baylor asked.
