Page 4 of The Host

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“I’ll probably do what my dad always did.”

“Which is what?” Evie asked.

“He would read the paper, but that’s so old-school, so I’d probably unwind with a game or two.”

“You’d play a game with the kids?” Evie asked, encouraged by his response.

Keith laughed. “No… well, maybe sometimes, but I was talking about gaming or something… like I do now when I get home from work.”

“Oh, so I’d be home all day with the kids… working, and then when you get home, we can both play. So, who’ll be making dinner and bathing kids and getting them ready for bed?”

“I can sense from the tone in your voice that this conversation is irritating you. Let me rephrase myself. I’ll play for a bit, but then I’ll help with getting the kids to bed while you clean up dinner.”

“Oh, how kind of you!” Evie sarcastically replied.

The server brought their meals and Evie was grateful for the opportunity to put the list face-down on the table and enjoy her eggplant parmesan without looking at the next question which was looking more and more like a bad idea.

“How was work today?” Keith asked.

Evie wasn’t ready to talk yet, so she pointed to her mouth and overemphasized her chewing mouth, so Keith decided to talk about his day.

When Evie finished eating and Keith finished talking, she decided to answer his question. “My day today was the same ol’ thing with dogs and cats, but I actually looked up different vet clinics in Denver to see if there were any openings for a veterinarian. However, Denver doesn’t have any clinics for large animals, so I searched in the surrounding areas.”

“Wait. This is a big decision and you didn’t confide in me beforehand?”

“Keith, I was just searching to see what was out there. You know I love farm animals and living in the big city has never been something I wanted. I want to live in the country.”

“I know that’s what you’ve said, but I figured since we got engaged, you’d change your mind. I don’t want to commute to work. It’s a waste of my time and money.”

“And having a happy wife at home with animals and kids would be a waste ofyourtime and money?”

Evie was having a hard time reeling in her temper. She was very clear on her first two dates with Keith that living in the city was not where she wanted to end up for the rest of her life. She loved the country with open areas and she loved taking care of animals… especially horses.

The only reason she moved to the city was that a friend from college invited her to move to Denver with her to work at her family’s vet clinic. Evie knew it was a foot in the door to her career, but from the first day of working, Evie knew that working with the wealthy clientele’s cats and dogs was definitely not for her. She needed the country to thrive and now she was having a conversation with her fiancé about that very thing.

“Would you like dessert?” the server asked as she gathered the used plates and silverware.

“We’re fine,” Keith answered.


Keith looked in shock at Evie.

“What is available?”

“Are you sure?” Keith asked quietly.

“I’m sure!” Evie replied curtly and then focused again on the server.

“We have tiramisu, biscotti, and cannoli.”

“Does the cream in the cannoli’s have chocolate chips?”

“They sure do,” replied the server.

“I’ll take one order, please.”

When the server walked away, Keith leaned in and whispered, “Are you sure you want to eat those?”
