Page 47 of The Host

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“You’re a firefighter?” Evie questioned.

“Yes, I am.”

“Are you serious? You didn’t know that?” Neveah blurted. “Who didn’t already know that!”

“I’m fine, Callie,” Evie reassured her friend. “I’m just going to get out for a moment until the stinging goes away.”

“Don’t stay away too long,” Matt uttered. He watched her stare at him for a few seconds as she took in his chest. He smiled as a slight blush crossed her face and turned to talk to Neveah and Devanee who had just asked him a question about the tattoos on his body. Matt positioned himself in the pool so he could talk to Neveah and Devanee as he watched Evie step out of the pool. She was wearing a one-piece bathing suit that was adorable and modest.

Matt wondered at her choice of swimwear especially since she had a body to rival those around her. She wrapped a towel around herself and noticed Baylor wrapping her arms around her. Baylor laughed and Evie slapped her forehead.

Matt needed to focus on the women around him, so he pushed his thoughts of Evie to the side as he would be having dinner with her that evening and he would ask for a one-on-one afterward. It was time to get to know her better.

Five o’clock came faster than Matt wanted, so he excused himself from the women he had been talking to and walked to his RV. Michele greeted him at his door and he let her enter first.

“How was the swimming?” Michele asked.

“You were right. The sea-green trunks were a perfect match!”

Michele grinned widely. “Glad I could be of service. And who will you be having dinner with tonight?”

“I’ve invited Fran, Devanee, Emanee, Anya… and Evie.”

“Wonderful. You will have a delightful time, for sure.” Michele clapped her hands with delight. “What would you like to wear?”

“No tie, but a shirt and dress pants should be nice.”

Michele went to his wardrobe and pulled out a couple of shirts and pants with brown leather shoes. “Go take your shower and get dressed. Let me know when you’re done and I’ll do your hair, set your microphone in place and do some light makeup.”

“I wish there was no need for makeup at all,” Matt whined.

“But then you’d look like a vampire, Matt,” Michele laughed as she walked out the door and left Matt to get ready.

At 6:00, Matt got on a golf cart and was driven to the other side of the mansion where the tennis courts were. On the court, was a makeshift dance floor and a round table set for 6. Five women were lined up at the edge of the dance floor, waiting for him. Four of the ladies were in floor-length dresses, while one… and he smiled… was in a business suit. He walked up to each lady and called them by name as he gave them a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“Please come and sit, I’m hungry, as I’m sure you are.”

Evie’s stomach notified everyone there that yes indeed, she was hungry.

“I need to stash some food away if I don’t get sent home tonight because my stomach is forever growling.”

“A great appetite!” Matt praised. “It’s wonderful.”

As each lady sat down, Evie was flanked by Devanee and Fran, Matt sat in the last chair as he was flanked by Emanee and Anya.

“You look lovely tonight, ladies.”

“Thank you,” they all sighed… except Evie. She just nodded her head.

“Let’s have a toast,” Matt offered. He reached for his wine glass and raised it high. Four of the ladies did the same, but Evie reached for her water goblet instead and raised it high. Matt tilted his head in wonder.

“I don’t drink,” she replied with an air of confidence that said, don’t try to persuade me otherwise.

Matt knew many people who choose not to drink. He hadn’t met many lately, but it wasn’t uncommon, so he continued.

“A toast to a beautiful evening, with good food, and great conversation.”

“Cheers,” everyone followed.
