Page 46 of The Host

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“I’m hoping I have swim trunks!” Matt winked again.

“Oooh, you heartbreaking boy! You be careful with who you wink at,” she teased. “But your boyish charms are adorable.”

Michele pulled out a drawer and presented Matt with three different swim trunks. “Which one?” she asked.

“Which do you suggest?”

Michele smiled and suggested the first one. “It’ll match the color of her eyes?”

“Are you trying to tell me that you’ve already picked out the one for me?”

“I watched last night's airing. You were smitten… as was she.”

“And to whom are you referring?”

“Get dressed… and woo her heart. I don’t think she realized this was exactly the show she signed up for.”

“What does that mean?” Matt asked as Michele walked out the door and closed it in his face. Matt opened it again and yelled after her, but Michele laughed out loud and ignored him.

He closed the door and quickly changed into his swim trunks, slipped on his flip-flops, grabbed a beach towel, and headed for the pool. Before he made it to the mansion, Sam, the producer, caught his arm.

“You’re heading to the pool, so we want to make sure the cameras are all strategically placed first.” He looked at Matt. “No shirt?”

“No!” Matt replied. “I’m going swimming.”

“Put a shirt on first. Then when you get out there, take your time removing it. The cameras will be recording all the women's faces. That’ll make great TV.”

“I didn’t bring a shirt.”

Sam looked at his own T-shirt and then removed it. “Here, put this one on.”

Matt stared at him. “It’s too small,” he grumbled.

“But it’ll show off all your muscles. Great TV!”

Matt didn’t want to argue too much because where he wanted to be was at the pool. He squeezed himself in the shirt, excused himself, and then resumed his trek to the pool.

Once he got there, he noticed all eyes were on him. He forced down the disgusting feeling that submerged within him and then went to take off the shirt. He actually had to take his time to get it off because it was too tight and he was afraid it would rip. After he got it off, he smiled and searched for that certain woman… and as fate would have it… she was the only one who hadn’t been staring at him. She was currently on the diving board, facing backward as she bounced lightly, up and down, then she lifted a foot and brought it down firmly on the board, giving her the lift necessary to do a backflip.

That backflip, however, hadn’t flipped all the way, and instead of diving hands first into the water, she landed flat on her back.

Gasps were heard from every direction and without hesitating, Matt dove in and popped up right beside her. He had his arm around her waist, helping to keep her afloat while he used his other arm to keep himself afloat.

Evie moaned in pain with her eyes closed, holding on to him until the moans softened and she opened her eyes. “Not enough momentum!” she laughed as she turned to see who was aiding her. Then her laugh faded and her eyes widened in surprise.

“I’m sure that left a nice red mark on your back,” Matt joked as he turned her around in his arms and looked at her back. A beautifully sculpted back that was sporting a huge red blotch. He turned her to face him again. “Are you okay?” Matt knew he should swim closer to the edge or closer to the shallow end where they could both stand, but he was thoroughly enjoying having her in his arms. “Do you want some ice?”

“I’ll be fine,” Evie replied. “The cool water is helping the sting.”

Matt stared into her eyes. Michele was right. Her eyes were a perfect match to the sea-green trunks he was wearing.

“Here,” he finally said. “Let’s get you over to the shallow end.” He didn’t want her out of his arms, but he was beginning to feel awkward as everyone was staring at them.

“Thanks,” Evie replied.

“Evie!” Callie swam over to her. “That was the best back dive I’ve ever seen!” she laughed. “Are you alright?”

“Matt! I love that I got to see you use your firefighter skills!” Devanee expressed.
