Page 50 of The Host

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“High school?”

“No, college or university?”

“I went to B…” Evie paused. “I can’t say.”

“How come?” Matt asked.

“Something to do with the Rules of Engagement contract we signed.”

Matt raised one eyebrow in surprise and got a laugh from Evie as a reward.

“So, you already mentioned having a sister who lives in Ireland. How did she end up in Ireland?”

“That is her story to tell, and if it were just you and me… then maybe, but as it is at the moment…” Evie’s head motioned to the cameras around them.

“I understand,” Matt interjected. “Whatcanyou tell me about your family?”

“There are nine of us?”

“NINE?” Matt uttered in surprise. “On purpose?”

Evie laughed. The sound of her laughter almost brought him to his knees. It was a joyful, pure expression and it pleased him.

“We’re a blended family,” Evie continued.

“I’m in a blended family as well. Tell me more… if you can.”

Evie laughed again. “My mother had four of us before she divorced and my dad had five. My dad adopted us all, so legally, he has nine kids… on purpose! What about your blended family?”

“My dad only has two and my stepmom has three. No one has adopted anyone. My step siblings still see their dad every once in a while. And you? What happened to your biological dad?”

“He wasn’t a good guy, so when we turned eighteen, we all asked to be adopted by our stepdad. Later, my biological father died… but that’s a long, sad story and I’m not going to share it… here,” Evie added as she looked at the cameras surrounding them.

“My mom died… too, and that’s a long, sad story as well.”

“I’m sorry, Matt.” Evie stopped and looked up at Matt. Matt had an intense desire to kiss her. He hadn’t yet kissed anyone on the show, and if Evie wasn’t planning on leaving, he might have tried to kiss her… but he wouldn’t do it now, which made his heart sink.

“Do you like your stepmom?” Evie asked, bringing him out of his reverie.

“Emma is great. My parents have a great love story, and I don’t know how Emma puts up with my dad. He’s a good guy and I love him, but we aren’t on the best terms at the moment.”

“What happened?” Evie asked.

Matt’s eyes moved from one camera to the next, and he saw that Evie understood he didn’t want to share that.

“Let’s just say, I’m a huge disappointment to him.”

“If you can rescue a silly girl who tried to do a backflip off the diving board, I can’t imagine that disappointment istoohuge.”

“You are not silly… nor a girl… by all means!” Matt teased, and seeing her blush was the reward he wanted.

“So…” Evie changed the course of the conversation. “You’re a firefighter?”

“Yep!” Matt stood proudly.

“Where do you work?”

Matt’s proud stance sank. “I’m currently looking for a new position.” Evie wasn’t one with whom he wanted to beat around the bush. She was upright and honest with him, so she deserved the same.
