Page 54 of The Host

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“Dad knows I’m here, Evie. So do Ryker and Saylor since they are visiting me, but I’ve watched yesterday’s airing, and Evie honey… there is something special between the two of you. I saw it in the way he looked at you… and frankly… you looked at him the same way.”

“He’s gorgeous! That’s the only reason I stared stupefied in his direction!”

“And what do you have to say about the dance you just shared?”

Evie shook her head. “It’s just this stupid show. They call it a reality show… but it’s far from reality. It’s FAKE-ality! You put a bunch of people together in hopes of finding love and of course, you’ll find it. It’s when you get out into the real world do you realize there was nothing solid to stand on.”

“A sturdy foundation needs to be built somewhere,” her brother uttered calmly.

“He has tattoos!” Evie blurted.

“Really?” Lake responded.

“Really! And you know how I despise tattoos. Especially after Wyatt got them plastered all over his body.”

“Evie, don’t let your preconceived notions allow you to miss what really lies beneath. Wyatt’s tattoos are pretty intense, but did you look at Matt’s? They seem to be all dates. I’d venture to say each date has a special meaning for him.”

“Who are you?” Evie cried. “I don’t want this!”

“I think you’re fighting against something you're afraid might actually make you happy. I think you just might find love.”

“That’s impossible. Not in a place like this!” Evie argued. “That would just be illogical!”

“Okay, Spock!”

“Ugh! Lake!” Evie restrained from yelling. “I’m going to tell Mom and Dad you’re gay if you don’t get me out of here!”

Lake took a step back. How did she know he was gay? He hadn’t told anyone. She couldn’t figure out that she was on a dating reality show, yet she figured out he was gay.

“I’m sorry, Lake. I didn’t… oh, please forgive me!” Evie ran and gave her brother a hug. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” Evie pulled back from her embrace and looked at her brother. “Please say something!”

Lake looked at his sister and saw the pain in her eyes. It was different from the frustration she so freely expelled from her mouth moments earlier, but she truly regretted what she had said to him.

“It’s all right, Evie. It’s about time for me to come out of the closet anyway. I’ve been pondering about it for months now without the strength to move forward. I think you’ve just given me strength now. You still love me?”

“Oh, Lake!” Evie cried as tears ran down her face. “You are my brother! I love you no matter what!”

Lake couldn’t stop the tears from falling from his eyes. Evie was always such a stickler for following the rules and he often wondered how she would react once he told his family he was gay. He knew his family would still love him, but a slight burden was lifted from his shoulders hearing it aloud from Evie.

Evie embraced her brother again and told him again that she loved him. But now to get back to the matter at hand, Lake released his hug and then stepped back.

“Evie, you need to stay. The contract is solid, and unless you want to pay the $100,000 fine, you need to stay. If you truly don’t want to be here, then I suggest sabotaging every step of the way to have him send you home.”

Evie plumped herself down in the chair in front of her and pouted. It reminded him of the many years of childhood when she did the same thing after not getting her way. Usually, the look did the job, and one of her older brothers, or Dad for that matter, would give in and let her stay up a little longer, or give her the extra ice cream… but this was different… and Lake’s hands were tied.

“Did I tell you that I can’t tell anyone I’m a member of the church?”

“You signed the contract, Evie!”

“It’s religious discrimination.”

“It would be discrimination if it stated only Mormons couldn’t talk about their religion, but that’s not the case.”

“Ugh!” She jumped up and headed to the door and yanked it open. “I feel like Esther!” she yelped, looking at Lake with her back to the hallway. She turned around abruptly knowing Tom and probably Brian were also there but froze when she saw Matt standing with them.

“You’re Jewish?” Matt asked in surprise. Then he nodded his head, “Well, that makes sense.”

“Ugh!” Evie uttered as she threw her hands up in the air in frustration. “I need to go take a cold shower and get ready for tonight!” Evie turned back to Lake who was standing in the doorway and gave him a big hug. “I love you, and I’m mad at you!” She turned to face Matt, “See you later tonight!” she blurted in frustration and then turned and stomped out of the office.
