Page 53 of The Host

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“That’s good to know.”


Lake and Tom turned to see a teary-eyed Evie running straight toward them. She passed Tom and threw her arms around Lake.

“I’m so glad you’re here!” Evie whimpered. “This has all been such a huge mistake.”

“Huge?” Lake chuckled.

“Yes! Huge!”

“It didn’t look all that huge just a few moments ago as you were dancing and laughing with The Host!” Lake teased.

Evie stepped back and smacked her brother. “This isn’t funny.”

“I dare say it’s not, my sister.”

“Did you release me from my contract?” Evie asked Lake and then turned and looked at Tom and asked, “Should I go get my stuff so my brother and I can leave?”

“Tom, do you have somewhere quiet where Evie and I can talk?”

“What?” Evie whimpered. “I have to stay?”

“Evie,” Lake said calmly. “Let’s talk first.”

“Yes,” Tom replied. “Follow me.”

Lake and Evie followed Tom back to Brian’s office and then closed the door.

“I thought you said you were a damn good lawyer!” Evie muttered.

“I am, but so is Tom. Let me ask you a question.”

Evie didn’t reply but she took a step back and folded her arms across her chest. Lake would have laughed at how much it resembled their brother Ryker’s stance if Evie didn’t look like she was about to fall apart.

“What is your main hesitancy about staying on the show?”

“It’s against my standards!” Evie blurted.

“So, they’re making you drink?”

“No, I refused… every time.”

“They’re making you swear… although you did just use the word damn, so that might be the case,” Lake chuckled.

“This is not a laughing matter, Lake. This is all too public. Everyone will know my business. I don’t want that. I don’t want people to know our biological dad attempted to kidnap me and sell me, I don’t want everyone here to know that Bo is my brother or that Ryker and Saylor are married. Those things are all private, and not to be shared on public television.”

“You don’t have to tell Matt those things.”

“But those are things you do share with someone you love.”

Lake raised his eyebrows.

“I’m not saying I’m inlovewith Matt,” Evie backpedaled. “I’m just saying that you share those things with the person you trust… and I can’t feel free to say these things because I don’t want the entire universe to know!”

“You don’t have to share those things with him now… you can share them later… after the show.”

“Why are you pushing this, Lake? Does Dad know? He can’t know. He’d be driving here and paying the $100,000 fee to get me out of here. Heck, Ryker can’t know either, or else he’d be using that stupid Marine neck pinch on someone before carrying me out of here… then carry me out of here.”
