Page 65 of The Host

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Sam got on his phone, asked the question, and then replied, “The upstairs master. No one is in that room.”

“Great. Let’s gather your things.”

With Michele’s help, Evie gathered what few items she had brought, put them in her bags and zipped them shut.

“Can I take this pillow?” Evie asked. “It really is very comfortable.” It would be comforting to have one more thing to cry into that night while she tried to go to sleep.

“Of course, love,” Michele said. “Let’s get a move on.”

Once Evie walked out of the bedroom, she froze.

“What, lovie?” Michele asked.

“I don’t want anyone to see me?”

“No worries. We’ll use the servant’s stairs.”

“The servant’s stairs?”

“I’m not sure what to call them here in the states, but in Scotland, they’re called the servant’s stairs. Just follow me!”

Evie did as she was told as she climbed two flights of stairs and eventually was led into a beautiful Master bedroom. “Where are all the beds,” Evie asked. “I thought four women started in here.”

“They all went home, and I believe the crew began putting this room back together. What a surprise they’ll have when they hear it’s been occupied again,” Michele laughed.

Evie saw a comfortable oversized chair and plopped down on it. It was morning and she was already exhausted.

Who had done this?

The first person that came to mind was Neveah, but even then, it was just a hypothesis. The second person was either Aaliyah or Devanee. Evie figured after looking at the tapes, they would be able to figure out who did it, and then she would be relieved when that person got sent home.

Or maybe she would get sent home.

That seemed the easiest, but a part of her soul wasn’t ready to go home.

Breakfast was sent up to her room, Evie devoured it, then she took a nice, long hot shower, and instead of getting dressed, she decided to open her journal and make a list. She desperately wanted to make a list so she could feel some sort of control. Unfortunately, she sat there for fifteen minutes and wrote nothing down. As soon as a thought popped into her head, she was determined to write it down, but then it seemed so absurd or unrelatable to her current situation that she couldn't get her thought transferred onto paper.

She slammed her journal closed and looked at her open suitcase. Staring right at her were her scriptures, so she reached down and picked them up, opened them to where her bookmark was, and read. She hadn’t read her scriptures during the time she had been at the mansion and reprimanded herself for failing to do so. She didn’t have her cellphone to tell her which Come Follow Me lesson she should be reading, so she just opened her scriptures randomly.

The open page was in Mosiah where Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah seek to destroy the Church of God. Evie’s mind thought of her younger brother Wyatt and his wayward actions and said a prayer on his behalf. Wyatt hadn’t been as bold as Alma the Younger in teaching against the doctrines of Christ, but he sure did whatever he could to show his family that he didn’t believe.

Drinking, drugs, tattoos, women, etc.

She was grateful she followed the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet when she was younger, and it continued to be a guide for her as a young adult. She hadn’t yet read the newer version of the pamphlet that was announced by the prophet a couple of years back, but she was sure it stated the dos and don’ts of pure Christ-like living.

Evie’s reading was interrupted by a loud knock and then the sound of her sister’s voice yelling her name through the door.

Evie leaped up, made sure the plush robe she found hanging in the bathroom was secured around her waist and opened the door.

Evie found herself embraced by her short, weeping sister and she couldn’t help but laugh. Saylor and their mom were the criers in the family which often led everyone else to tears of laughter, but Evie found herself lately crying more than she had in a very long time.

Saylor pulled back from her embrace and looked at Evie.

She shook her head in disbelief.

“Your hair!” she exclaimed as she reached up and toyed with the uneven strands that fell in a disorderly fashion. “Do you know who did it?”

Evie shook her head. “If they’ve figured it out, they haven’t told me… yet.”
