Page 66 of The Host

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“Oh, Evie. Lake told us all about it the other night, and Mom and Dad are so worried, but seriously Evie… how did you get mixed up in all this?”

Evie let a staff member put Saylor’s things inside the room, then she closed and locked the door. She pulled Saylor over to the bench at the foot of the bed and made her sit down before she proceeded to tell her the entire tale. It surprised Evie that she was able to laugh at certain parts… like her not recognizing the signs on the first day… or yelling at both Lake and Matt. But she still couldn’t talk about that morning’s events without tears forming in her eyes.

“What am I going to do?” Evie exclaimed as she tugged on her short hair.

“I’m here! I’m going to make sure you look fabulous! When you walk down those stairs tonight, you’ll do the proverbial mic drop! Poof!”

Evie laughed as Saylor lifted her hand, pretending to hold a microphone, and then pretending to let it go, making the ‘poof’ sound as it pretended to drop on the floor.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” Evie expressed.

“The minute that Tom guy called Lake and mentioned my name, I snagged the phone from Lake and when Tom asked if I’d come and help you with a recent hair disaster, I shoved Olivia on Lake’s lap, told him to watch the kids as I packed up all my styling stuff and rushed over here.”

“Where’s Ryker?”

“He’s on assignment. I’m expecting him home tomorrow or Sunday.”

“Today’s Friday?” Evie exclaimed. “Wow! How time flies.”

“Where is Ryker now?”

“Somewhere in South America. I’ll be helping with the transition once they bring back the American kids that have been kidnapped.”

“What a job. Thank goodness there are people like you and Ryker. Wait!” yelped Evie. “What about the cameras and microphones? Everything is being recorded.”

“When I told them I would not consent to any recordings due to my job, some sweet Scottish lady made the lawyer guy downstairs type up a contract stating my face is to be blotted out and voice distorted if any of it makes the cut for broadcasting. I had them email a copy of the contract to Lake before I signed it.”

Evie sighed with relief. “I’m so grateful, Saylor. This recording thing is definitely not something I wanted. What does social media think of The Host? Or of me, for that matter?”

Saylor pinched her lips, put her fingers to her lips, and pretended to lock it with a key. “Part of the contract I signed was not to divulge anything of the outside world with you. So… sorry, my sis! You’ll not hear anything from me!”

“Great!” exhaled Evie.

Saylor stood up and dragged a chair from the desk into the bathroom. “Come, let’s see what we can do with your hair,” demanded Saylor.

Evie sat down and pouted.

Saylor laughed.

Evie smacked Saylor’s hand.

“I advise you not to do that when I have the scissors in my hands.”

“I don’t think my hair could get any worse!” Evie continued to pout.

“Well, take your mind off of it for the moment, and tell me about this Matt. He’s a hottie!”

“I know!” Evie sighed. “And he knows it.”

“Do you have a connection? You must or else he would have sent you home? Is this show anything like that other dating reality show?”

“Any other questions you want to spit out?” Evie laughed.

“Just answer them,” she insisted, and she began snipping away at what was left of Evie’s hair.

“As for a connection, we get along great. He seems to feel he needs to protect me, which I have no idea why. Do I have ‘damsel in distress’ written all over my face?”

“I’ve never thought of you as a damsel in distress sort of person. All you have to do is put on your boots and flash one of your many blades, and everyone just leaves you alone.”
