Page 68 of The Host

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“Why not? It’s just a kiss.”

“Because that’s not right. He’s a player, Say! What kind of person would date someone, whether they’re serious or not, and kiss them and then go and kiss someone else? Someone who doesn’t have morals… that’s who?”

“Watch it, sis!” Saylor warned.

Evie looked at Saylor through the mirror and realized she had just judged her sister who had done the same thing.

“But your situation was different,” Evie tried to reason.

“I kissed Ryker when I was engaged to someone else, I don’t think you can say my situation was different from the one you just try to explain.”

“But this situation is different from yours, “Evie argued. “I know you have morals.”

“So, Matt doesn’t have morals?”

“I’m sure he has some… he’s a firefighter and saving people and their property is a good thing, which is part of the job… but he doesn’t have the kind of morals I’m looking for.”

“So, making romantic mistakes isn’t okay?”

Evie’s shoulders sagged. Her sister got her on that count. Everyone deserves forgiveness. “But…” Evie continued, “that doesn’t mean I have to date someone who has lived a lifestyle I don’t accept.”

“If he changed his lifestyle, who are you to judge?”

“Because I have a right to judge when it comes to the person I want to marry.”

“Oh… you can forgive someone who has a different lifestyle from yours if you’re not romantically involved?”

“Right!” Evie agreed.

“But if you get romantically involved with someone, and you find out they had a past, then you can judge… and that’s okay?”

“It’s different, Saylor. There are some sins that can’t be hidden.”

“Like what?”

“Like tattoos.”

“Since when was getting a tattoo a sin? It didn’t stop Brother Guerrero from getting a temple recommend.”

“That’s different. He was involved in gangs before he joined the church.”

“So, it’s only a sin when a member of the church gets a tattoo?”

“No! Ugh, Saylor. You are sounding like your husband!”

Saylor grinned.

“I’m saying, forgiveness is a beautiful thing and we have all been blessed by Christ’s grace, but when it comes to dating and getting serious with someone, I have the right to see if they’re a good match for me.”

“And what makes a good match… for you?” Saylor asked as she continued to snip Evie’s hair.

“Someone who is kind, who wants to be with me, who looks at me with love and affection, who encourages me to make my life better.”

“I love all of those. What else?”

“Someone who is an active member of the church.”

