Page 74 of The Host

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He gently placed his hands on her face and tenderly kissed her. He had wanted to do that the first night he saw her, and he wanted to do a more thorough job of it, but he knew that wasn’t what Evie wanted. She didn’t like being in the spotlight even though she stood out pretty well in whatever circle he found her.

He grabbed her hand and led her out the front door to a limousine. The driver opened the door and Matt assisted Evie inside as he slid in beside her.

He grabbed a flute glass and handed it to her. Then he lifted the bottle on ice and motioned to the label on the bottle.

Sparkling Cider.

He received a smile for his efforts… so he poured her a glass and then poured some for himself.

This time he actually drank what was in his glass. On his other eight dates that day, he filled both glasses, but he only pretended to drink. He hadn’t made up his mind on whether or not he would stop drinking altogether, but he did know that he wanted his full faculties on his date with Evie and having eight glasses of wine would have definitely made him tipsy.

If anything, he could definitely say he didn’t have a drinking problem. He’d have to point that out to his friend Bobby when this whole thing was over.

“What’s your favorite Italian meal?” Evie asked.

Matt was sure she asked this for a couple of reasons. One, to keep her mind from thinking about other things… namely her hair. Two, she truly wanted to know his favorite meal… at least he hoped she did. And three… which was probably the real reason… because she was a lover of food.

“Lasagna is one of my favorites, but I also love a great spaghetti with meatballs. What about you?”

“I too, love those… but my favorite is anything with meat sauce.”

Matt laughed. Yep… a lover of food.

“Do you cook?” Matt asked.

“If I have to, and when I do… I pretty much ruin it every time. I do know how to make a mean Mac & Cheese… from a box… not scratch.”

“I’m surprised,” Matt confessed. “I would have thought you were a great cook since you love to eat. How do you feed yourself?”

“I’m very handy with DoorDash!” Evie laughed. “And I always volunteer to clean up after dinner if anyone desires to cook for me!”

“I’ll remember that!” Matt laughed as he grabbed her hands. “And just so you know… I’m an amazing cook. My specialty is with the barbeque, but I know my way around the kitchen. Not very good on desserts, though.”

“That is one thing I can do in the kitchen,” Evie offered.


“When I was around fourteen years old, I had a goal to learn three desserts.”

“Which three did you learn?”

“Before I answer, I’m curious about your favorite desserts. What are they?

“Chocolate chip cookies are on the top of that list!”

“Yum!” sighed Evie.

“Then any kind of fruit pie.”

“Anything else?” she asked, smiling brightly.

“Ice cream! One can never go wrong with ice cream.”

“Unless you're lactose intolerant,” laughed Evie.

“Are you?” Matt inquired.

“No, thank goodness.” Evie replied.
