Page 73 of The Host

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She wasn’t hungry yet, but she’d eat something after she got a little shuteye.

Chapter 14

Matt stood as calmly as he could as he waited for Evie to walk down the stairs. He hadn’t seen her all day, and after hearing from her sister that there was an accident, he was concerned. He kept his ears open and even when he was on his dates with Callie and Baylor, neither one of them had seen Evie as well.

He did overhear conversations in the viewing room as he was walking to his trailer about moving some of the women to rooms that were empty, but that was the only thing he was able to overhear.

Carl appeared.

Matt knew he shouldn’t be frustrated with Carl because he was just doing his job… but damn the man. He kept asking prying questions about the other eight women. Matt had a hard time answering back with vague responses. There were only so many times he could repeat, “Time will only tell” or “I’ll have to let you know later.” He was ready for tonight’s invitation ceremony because he knew who he was going to send home.

The next thing Matt did was grab Carl’s shoulder.

If he hadn’t, he was sure he would have landed on his backside.

On the top of the stairs stood Evie… but it was an Evie all dolled up. So much so that he almost didn’t recognize her. Her hair was slicked back with a couple of curls framing her face. A pair of dangling diamond-like earrings hung from her lobes. The dress she wore was a modest, form-fitting dress and it fit her style perfectly.

And the dress was his favorite color.

A deep burgundy.

Her lipstick even matched.

As she placed her hand on the banister and slowly began to glide down the stairs, Matt noticed a pair of elegant black heels. They weren’t as high as the other ones she had worn… but he didn’t mind as she was already tall.

Before she reached the bottom step, Matt stepped forward and wrapped his arm around her waist, lifted her up, and twirled her around.

“You look absolutely stunning!”

“Thank you,” Evie blushed. “My sister got hold of me. A little too much for my liking, but here I am anyway.”

“You, my love, can pull anything off. Even a dress pantsuit. I’m still waiting to see those boots,” he teased.

“This place is so formal; I don’t know when we’ll ever be in a place for me to wear them.”

“I’ll figure something out,” he laughed. He twirled her again ready to take her on their date when he froze. He tried to hide the gasp that escaped his throat as he twirled her around again. Evie protectively placed her hand below her hairline and patted the slicked back portions of her hair.

“What happened?” Matt uttered quietly.

“My accident, I suppose.”

“Did you cut your hair by accident?” he asked. “Don’t get me wrong. You did a great job… if you did cut it.”

“My sister had to style it. You should have seen the mess this morning.”

Matt stared into Evie’s sea-green eyes and noticed the tears starting to form.

“Sweet Evie. What happened?”

“I guess someone was envious of my hair, but that’s in the past… so let’s go where you planned to go. I love Italian.”

Matt’s eyes widened and he shook his head. “No!” he said in disbelief. “You’re telling me someone cut your hair? Was this what all the fuss was about this morning?”

“I’m afraid the waterproof mascara my sister used won’t truly be waterproof, and black raccoon eyes are the last thing I need right now.” Evie took a deep sigh. “So, let’s get going and then maybe sometime during the evening I’ll be able to relate the tale.”

Matt pushed back the urge to ask more questions about what happened in lieu of keeping Evie from crying. He remembered their conversation the day before in the library and his initial thought that someone overheard their conversation about her long, beautiful hair was now a concern rather than just a thought.
