Page 82 of The Host

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She pulled on a pair of socks and slipped her feet into her boots.

When she left her room, a microphone was placed on her and the moment she reached the top of the stairs, she saw her cameraman was at the bottom already filming. She had become accustomed to all the cameras, and the microphone now felt like a piece of jewelry. She snickered quietly at the thought of being accustomed to it.

When she opened the front door, she was greeted by a very handsome Matt leaning up against a recent model Mustang convertible. He had on a worn-out pair of cowboy boots and an even more worn-out cowboy hat. Country music was quietly playing in the background.

She giggled loudly and surprised not only Matt… but herself as well… as she ran and leaped into his arms and kissed him on the cheek. He in turn, hugged her back and kissed her cheek as well. He opened her car door. As she sat down and waited for him to get behind the wheel, she decided that she would act as if there were no cameras rolling. The microphones were still functioning, and she wouldn’t be able to speak freely about her family, her religion, and how she felt about him… but she could act like she cared for him.

She cared for him.

She could almost say she loved him.

Even though they hadn’t even known each other for an entire week.

The magic of the show had made its way to her heart.


She stopped herself.

Not today.

Today, she would act herself and have fun.

Matt knew she was a country girl and it appeared he intended to prove that to her.

They held hands as they sang one country song after another until they came to the end of the road, where in front of Evie was overjoyed to see the beach.

“You ready to eat?” Matt asked.

“What do you think?” she teased.

He got out of the car and helped Evie out. He leaned in, judging to see if Evie would kiss him, so she leaned in until their lips met. She could tell he would have enjoyed more kissing, but she pulled back slowly and hugged him. Matt didn’t let go of his embrace, but he scooted her to the trunk of the Mustang and opened it. He retrieved a picnic basket and blanket.

“I love picnics!” Evie exclaimed.

“I was hoping you did.”

“No… seriously. My dad would take us girls out on Daddy-Daughter dates and we got to choose the place. My sisters would always pick a fancy restaurant, but I always wanted a picnic.”

“And he took you on a picnic every time?” Matt asked.

“Every time. Even if it was raining. One time he even set up the picnic in the barn,” Evie laughed as she remembered it pouring outside, but they were dry under the barn roof.

They walked hand in hand in the sand until they found the spot where a beach umbrella had already been placed.

When Matt finished laying down the blanket and getting the contents of the picnic basket set out, he asked, “What happened to your biological dad?”

“He died… I was twenty-one.”

“So pretty recent. What happened?”

Evie shook her head. “Not here.”

“It appears our lives are similar in that aspect. We should start writing down questions to ask each other next week when there will be no cameras or microphones.”

They talked about childhood experiences and embarrassing moments until they finished their lunch and Evie asked if they could go swimming in the ocean.

“It’s not every day I get to be on a private beach!” she exclaimed.
