Page 81 of The Host

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My Sweet Evie,

Please accept this invitation to the beach. We will get to spend three lovely hours together. Please meet me in front of the mansion at 11:00 and be ready to eat and swim… or whatever else the afternoon has in store for us. I’m so excited to show you what I have planned.

Affectionately yours,


P.S. Don’t forget to wear your boots. I’ll take

care of everything else.

Evie jumped off her bed, gently placed this invitation with the others, and then went to the bathroom.

Why was it that every morning she was excited about the day's events, and then by the time the evening came, she was ready to go home? Today was going to be different. Today, she was going to wear her boots and that always made her happy.

When she reached the kitchen for breakfast, Callie and Neveah were sitting on opposite sides of the table. Evie grabbed a plate of food and went to sit next to Callie.

“So Matt is either with Baylor or Aaliyah,” Callie mused. “I have my date in the evening, when do you go?”

“At lunch. We’re going to the beach. Do you know where you’re going?”

“The invite said something to do with twilight and lots of wind.”

“Oooh, that sounds fun!”

“He did say we’d do something fun, so I’m holding him to it!” Callie laughed.

They ate in silence until Neveah stood up and left the kitchen.

“I think she cut your hair!” Callie claimed.

“You might be right,” agreed Evie. “Or it could have been Devanee, but I don’t think I’ll ever find out.”

“So how did you get your hair to look so adorable? Are you secretly a hairstylist as well?”

“The producers let my sister come, and she does many things, including cutting hair.”

“She did a great job. The cut looks really good on you.”

“Thanks,” Evie replied as she absentmindedly fingered the tips of the back of her hairline.

“How much time do you think you’ll need to get ready for your lunch date?”

“Not much, maybe fifteen minutes.”

“That’s impressive, but then you’re going to the beach, so I guess you’re expecting to get wet.”

“I’m hoping to get in the water. I love the beach.”

“Then I’m sure Matt will take you swimming. How about we play a card game? Yesterday, some of us went into the game room and found different decks of cards. Do you want to play?”

“Yeah!” Evie exclaimed as she got up and placed her plate in the sink. “I’ll follow you.”

Two hours later, Evie called a truce with Callie after she had whipped Evie’s butt in a variety of different card games. Evie then excused herself. She didn’t need an hour to get ready, but she wanted to read her scriptures and mentally prepare herself for the afternoon with Matt.

After she finished reading and did some stretching, she got ready. She put on her swimsuit and covered it with a pair of jean shorts and a loose T-shirt. She went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth, applied the waterproof mascara Saylor left behind, and ran her fingers through her ultra-short hair.

No more messy buns for her… at least for another year or two.
