Page 85 of The Host

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“No drone?” He winked. “And there are no mics attached to us!”

“And the cameraman?”

They both turned around to see him running a good half a mile away from them.

“Look!” Matt pointed.

Evie followed his finger to a hillside with a weeping willow tree perfectly placed. The horses could easily climb the hillside and the cameraman would have a harder time.

Evie grabbed her reins from Matt and hollered, “Ha!” Her horse took off and she laughed as she heard Matt yell, “Cheat!”

Evie reached the willow tree first, but Matt was the first one off his horse. In two swift movements, he looped the reins around a limb of the tree and picked Evie up by the waist and slid her to the ground. He took her hand and positioned her on the other side of the willow, hidden behind its leaves.

Matt didn’t wait this time for Evie to initiate the kiss. He just went straight for it… and Evie didn’t hesitate. They kissed for as long as they thought they could before either the drone arrived or the cameraman made his way up the hill.

“Wow!” Matt replied as he slid his back down the trunk of the tree.

Evie giggled with excitement and also experienced a twinge of embarrassment. With all the kissing she had done in her life… this one made it to the top of her list. She placed her fingers over her mouth, trying to hide the mouth that wouldn’t stop grinning. She now had firsthand knowledge of what it meant to have someone’s kiss knock your socks off.

She could now join that club with her sisters.

Matt stood up again and stood in front of Evie. “You are seriously breathtaking. Literally!”

Evie giggled again.

Both their heads turned to the sound of a drone heading their way and watched as the cameraman began to ascend the hill.

“Shall we have compassion on him?”

“I don’t like the way he looks at you,” Matt confessed.

Evie laughed. “And what way does he look at me?”

“Like a piece of candy.”

“All the women on this show look atyoulike a piece of candy!” Evie teased.

“Well… you have been the only one who has been fully blessed with that flavor.”

Evie was shocked. She had seen many women from the show kiss him after they were asked to leave and she had overheard others exclaim how he kissed like no other man they’d ever kissed. Now… after just receiving the kiss of her lifetime, she would have to agree with them.

But if what he’s saying is true, about the kiss they had just shared, he hadn’t kissed anyone else like that.

“So…” Evie wanted clarification.

“I’ve kissed one other contestant like we kissed in the cooler… but no one like we did just now. Let’s get back on the horses and return before the soundmen are close enough to record us.”

Evie agreed. Being back on her horse and riding fast would also allow her mind the time it needed to gather her senses and her thoughts.

They both mounted and slowly headed down the hillside. The cameraman mumbled something about not getting paid enough as they passed him halfway down. The drone had reached the tree while they were still talking, but she figured it didn’t have audio because drones were loud.

They trotted for a bit, then galloped and loped, and then they just walked their horses until they reunited with the horses’ owner.

Evie would not have traded this day for any other day in the world. She was on cloud nine and she was okay with it. This was still not complete reality, but as Lake had said, a foundation needed to start somewhere. She believed Matt when he said he hadn’t kissed anyone else as he had done with her.

She did wonder if he would be able to hold off kissing anyone else. She liked Callie and Baylor… but…

