Page 86 of The Host

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She would have faith.

Lake and Saylor obviously saw something in Matt they liked or else they would have done something to get her out of the situation.

She would have faith.

And in the end, her faith is what would pull her through anything.

The closing invitation ceremony was finally here. Evie had been dropped off at the front of the mansion, received a chaste kiss, and was toldhe’dsee her later that night.

She ate dinner with Callie and Baylor out by the pool, and Baylor and Evie talked about their individual dates.

Baylor loved art museums, so Matt had arranged breakfast at an exclusive museum. Evie talked about riding horses and how Matt arranged for her to ride while carrying the American flag because she missed out on it during COVID.

The looks between Baylor and Callie were hard to ignore as they both turned to look at Evie.

“Matt’s going to send me home tonight!” Baylor blurted out.

“What?” Evie stammered. “Why do you say that?” How do you know?”

“Because he’s not in love with me,” she answered.

“How can anyone know they’re in love in such a short period of time?” Evie argued.

“I’m a romance author. I write about this. I think about this. It’s ingrained in me.” Baylor reached for Evie’s hand and squeezed it. “Matt doesn’t look at me the same way he looks at someone else in our group.”

Evie looked at Callie.

Callie just snickered and shrugged her shoulders.

“Besides, as good-looking as he is… I don’t get the butterflies I want when I’m around him. I write about it, so I should expect butterflies when it comes to falling in love in my own life.”

“But why are you telling us this?” Evie asked.

“Because tonight’s ceremony is one-on-one. We won’t all be together, so I just wanted to let you know that I’ve appreciated our friendship. Our friendship might not expand past this week, but both of you have good souls and are kind… and I’ve appreciated it.”

“The feelings are mutual,” Callie added.

“Do you think you’re going home tonight as well?” Evie asked Callie.

“I haven’t been on my date yet, so there is always a chance that we’ll make a stronger connection,” she winked. “He’ll have to kiss me first.”

“He hasn’t kissed you?” Evie couldn’t refrain from repeating.

“A G-rated kiss isnota kiss!” she laughed.

Evie’s hand automatically went to her lips and covered them. She knew her cheeks grew red as memories came flashing back of her recent kiss. “It’s really hot!” Evie blurted. She stood up, took off her clothes to reveal her swimsuit, and dove into the pool.

When she resurfaced, her ears were greeted by laughter.

Evie now stood in the outer courtyard, dressed in a sea-green, flowing dress. She was standing with Carl, Matt… and too many cameramen to count. She didn’t know if she was the first person to meet with him, the last, or somewhere in the middle.

Carl began first, “Tonight, Matt will send home two ladies. Evie, what would you like to say to Matt?”

Evie reached out her hands and Matt grabbed them. “I’m so grateful you didn’t send me home yesterday,” she started. “I’m still apprehensive about where we’re going and the unrealistic surroundings of how we are getting to know each other, but I’m willing to have faith.”

“Evie,” Matt began. “You have brought to my remembrance things long forgotten. I know there is a better person inside of me, and now I’m beginning to see glimpses of it. I want you to know that I have faith as well. Not as strong as yours, but faith starts somewhere… right?”

“Right!” Evie agreed.
