Page 87 of The Host

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“Will you accept my invitation to stay? That means the next time I see you… we’ll be at your parent's home.”

Evie’s eyes widened in surprise. “Really? Do they know this? I haven’t talked to them. At all!” Her breath started to quicken.

“I don’t know if they know,” Matt asked as he looked around him.

“Is this how this thing usually works?” Evie asked, biting her lip. “Parents get involved?

Matt wrapped Evie in an embrace and whispered, “Have faith, my love. Everything will be just fine.”

Matt gave her a gentle, yet longing kiss and then handed her an invitation.

Evie walked back inside the mansion and slowly ascended the stairs. She had more questions roaming around in her brain than she thought was possible to have at once. If they were going to go to her parents, then did that mean all of her siblings would be there as well? What did her parents think of this disaster she had gotten herself into? What about her friends? What about Keith?

She closed her bedroom door and leaned on it.


She hadn’t thought about him since the second day of being on the show. She had thrown out his name in hopes that the producers would think she was in a relationship… but because they had already canceled their engagement, she was considered single.


How could someone she thought was perfect for her not pale in comparison to someone she would never have previously thought was someone she could fall in love with?

There… she said it.

She loved Matt.

As ludicrous as it sounded in her own brain, she admitted it.

And now she would be bringing this man… who wasn’t a member of her faith… home to meet her parents and whichever siblings were still loitering about.

She went straight to her bed, fell down on her knees, and prayed.

The next morning, a crew member informed her that she needed to pack all of her belongings and get ready to go to an Airbnb in an undisclosed area of Los Angeles until it was time to fly to Fresno.

She learned that Baylor did go home, as well as Aaliyah.

That meant Callie, Neveah, and Evie were the final three.

How strange her life had become.

As her belongings were loaded into the limousine, Michele greeted her and gave her a hug, and wished her luck. Sam, the production manager informed her that she would be flying to Fresno in two days and to enjoy the surroundings of the Airbnb until that time.

How truly strange her life had become.

Yet she still had faith.

Chapter 16

Matt first visited Callie’s family in Arizona.

Callie was a lot of fun. Fun in spirit, fun in conversation, and fun in adventure.

He wanted her to have a great time on their date, so when he was able to secure an evening to zipline, he took it. She didn’t hesitate in the slightest to slide down the four different ziplines. Callie hollered with delight as she zoomed to the end of each wire.

The multitude of colors the horizon emitted during twilight created a romantic setting although Callie didn’t encourage any romantic exchanges. They hugged and wrapped arms around shoulders like buddies would do, but she kept her distance.

When he invited Callie to stay, she tried to hide her shock, but then she nodded her head and smiled. Acceptance was written across her face and he knew she knew his heart was somewhere else.
