Page 97 of The Host

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Matt looked down and saw that Emma indeed was crying. He hugged her tightly in return.

“And just so you know,” Emma uttered through her tears. “None of us are Mormons.”

“What?” Matt furrowed his brow.

“We’re members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”

“Yeah… Mormons.”

“Mormon was a prophet,” Emma reminded him. “This is Christ’s church, so we’re members of His church. President Nelson, the prophet, emphasized the importance of that a couple of years back.”

Matt nodded his head. “Okay.”

“Now, let’s go meet your lady!”

The moment Matt walked back into the front room, there was a knock on the front door.

Matt couldn’t stop the smile that crept across his face. He walked quickly to the door, grabbed a bouquet of wildflowers he had picked earlier that morning, and opened the door.

Wearing a smile that overpowered her face, was a woman that he could safely say he’d do almost anything for. No other woman made him feel this way. No other woman had inspired thoughts of prayer and God to come back into his life. She was unlike any other woman he hadeverknown.

This woman was currently in his arms and hugging him fiercely.

“It’s absolutely gorgeous here. The smell of pine is heavenly. And it’s not intensely hot.”

“Not like your valley, that’s for sure,” Matt laughed. “How was your trip? Are you alright?”

“I’m good. The trip was uneventful except for me trying to not stick my head out the window the moment tall pines began to appear,” Evie laughed.

“I’m glad. Shall we meet my family?” Matt asked.

Evie peered over Matt’s shoulder but Matt positioned her so her back was facing them. She gave him a quizzical look.

“I just want you to know that I was very surprised this morning when I found out something my sister told me… and… as you look around my house, you’ll find answers to some other questions I’m sure you have been asking yourself and wondering how I would respond.”

“I have no idea what you’re trying to say?”

“I just hope you won't be too angry,” Matt whispered as he leaned in and kissed her. Then he grabbed her hand and turned her to face his family, all the while staring at her.

He walked her toward his family who were all standing on their feet. Her smile had a mixture of excitement and anxiety as he studied her face while she glanced over the faces of those in the room.

He knew the moment Evie saw his sister and he instinctively squeezed her hand warmly.

“Amanda!” she exclaimed in surprise.

Matt watched her face turn from excitement to anger.

“Amanda!” she murmured, clenching her jaw.

Matt then watched Evie turn again from anger to confusion.


Evie’s head then turned so fast to look at Matt, he thought her head would fall off.

“Matt?” she asked in fear.

“Amanda is my sister,” Matt explained.
