Page 96 of The Host

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“Evie will arrive in five minutes,” announced a crew member.

Matt’s heart rate began to speed and he stood up. Then the thought of praying crossed his mind. He originally pushed that thought away, but then he realized that if he was going to try to change his life, this would be a good place to start.

“Emma,” Matt blurted.

“Yes, Matt?”

“Will you come with me into the back room, for a moment? Real quick?”

Emma stood up, briefly looked at John, and then said, “Sure.”

Once the backroom door had closed, Matt turned to Emma. “Will you say a prayer?”

Emma smiled in surprise, “Really?”

Matt nodded.

“May I ask why?”

“Because I’m thinking it’s about time I started having prayer in my life.”

Emma nodded and matronly caressed Matt’s arm. “Then it’s time for you to be offering your own prayers.”

“I’m so out of practice,” Matt moaned.

“Our Heavenly Father doesn’t care,” Emma insisted. “Better hurry up, she’ll be here soon!”

“I don’t remember the right way?” he argued.

“Just talk to him, as if He were kneeling next to you… because He is!”

Emma grabbed Matt’s hand and pulled him over to a carpeted area and knelt down. Matt followed.

Emma folded her arms and bowed her head and waited.

Matt clenched his jaw and breathed deeply.

“God,” … Matt began, “sorry I haven’t talked to you in a while… I was mad… and hurt… but now I need your help. Evie’s coming and I want her to feel loved and wanted and not mad that I didn’t tell her I’m a Mormon,” Matt huffed. “Not a good Mormon,” he corrected. “I have been reading the Book of Mormon again. I hope you see that I’m trying to be better. Evie deserves…” he paused. “She’s amazing… and wonderful.”

Matt sighed. She was wonderful… and beautiful… and amazing. Doubt crept in about his own worthiness and figured there would be hundreds of guys who were better for her.

But he at least wanted a chance.

After this show thing was done and over with, he would find a church building close to home and talk to the bishop. That would be his first step.

Matt started to get up but had a nagging feeling he was forgetting something.

The closing of the prayer.

How did it go?

“In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

He was sure he didn’t say it exactly the way he did when he was a kid, but he figured it was close enough.

Once Emma and Matt both stood, Emma wrapped her arms around Matt’s waist.

“That was the most beautiful prayer I have ever heard in my entire life,” she cried.
