Page 111 of If We Say Goodbye

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Leaning over the console, I kiss his cheek. “Come on, let's go.”

His lips curve upward slightly, and his fingers touch his cheek. He tilts his head and leans in.

I pull back and smile wider.

“What are you doing?” he asks

I shrug. “I’m sorry. Did you want something?”

His brows furrow. “Really?” He reaches for me. “Come here.”

I dodge him. “You’ll have to catch me,” I say, winking.I winked.Then, I fly out of the car as fast as humanly possible.

Jordy, who is already out of the car, plasters himself to the side to avoid being run over. “What are you doing?”

“I’m running!” I yell over my shoulder.

Caleb takes off after me.

“You guys are crazy,” Jordy says as he follows.

The chilled air fills my lungs and whips through my hair, blowing it in every direction. I run in between the cars in the lot, toward the doors. Caleb’s gaining on me, so I make an unexpected detour and duck behind a large red truck to fall out of his view.

“Where did she go?” Jordy huffs.

Their shoes are visible from underneath the bed of the truck, halting. I watch them, prepared to bolt at any moment.

Caleb whispers, but it’s too quiet for me to make it out. Then, Jordy bends down to peer underneath the truck. “Hey, Becca.” He waves with a giddy face.

I leap up, crashing into the fabric of Caleb’s dark black jacket. With Jordy’s distraction, he’d made it all the way to the other side of the truck. He steadies me with a hand on my waist, and his full fledged smile greets me. The one that’s lopsided and framed with dimples. “You’re bad at hide and seek.”

“You’re right,” I sigh, pulling away. “I guess we better go in.”

He takes my hand, turning me back to face him. “Not so fast.”

I smirk, meeting his gaze. “Why? Did you want something?” I repeat.

He rolls his eyes. “You’re something else. You know that right?”

“Would you prefer me to be normal?”

He tilts my chin up and cups my face in his hands, kissing me. “No.”

Butterflies flood my stomach. I love his kisses and the way they make me feel.

Caleb loops his arm around mine, and we go inside for our skate rentals. Once we have them, we head to a room filled with benches and lockers. I tuck my shoes underneath one of the benches and slip my feet into the skates. They’re well worn, barely reminiscent of the white color they once were.

When I stand, I wobble. It takes me a minute to find my balance and to get used to the height difference. I may only be a few inches taller, but I swear it's a whole other world up here.

Jordy tugs on his laces, tightening and finishing them with an uneven bow. “Ta-da!” he says. He stands up in front of Caleb, who is still seated. “Now I’m as tall as you.”

“Not quite,” Caleb says. When he stands, he towers over Jordy. As if he wasn’t tall enough already, his skates have graced him with even more height.

We’re a very dysfunctional trio as we enter the rink. Jordy holds onto the wall for dear life while Caleb immediately falls.

“Are you going to help me up?” Caleb asks, looking up at me.

I hold out my hand, but when he takes hold of it, my feet slip out from underneath me. I collide into him on the ice. My hair fans over both of us.
