Page 126 of If We Say Goodbye

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She looks up and smiles. “Hello, Becca.”

“Can I talk to you?”

She nods.

My shoulders relax slightly. I knew she wouldn’t say no, but her expression is a lot less scary than I imagined. I stagger into her room, swaying my arms against my sides. The fabric of my jacket is clutched between all ten of my fingers, hiding my palms.

“Please sit,” she says, motioning to her futon.

The red color is starting to grow on me, even though I’d never choose it for my own room in a million years. The fabric is worn, and I sink into the center when I sit.

“So,” she says, leaning back in her chair to give me her full attention. “What did you want to talk to me about?”

I breathe out, mentally preparing myself for what’s about to leave my mouth. “I want you to give Sadie another chance.”

Her eyebrows knit together. “I figured you were here to talk about your graduation.”

I shake my head. “No. I don’t care if I graduate or not at this point. Just please give Sadie another chance to pass her math final.”

Mrs. Williams sighs. “That was her second chance. It’s not fair to the other students if we keep bending the rules for her.”

“Please. It wasn’t her fault. It was mine. I was supposed to help her study, and I did an awful job. If anyone deserves to be punished, it’s me. Not her.”

Mrs. Williams laces her hands together and leans forward. “Do you realistically think you could teach her everything she needs to know to catch up?”

“Yes. I promise I’ll spend as much time tutoring her as I have to. If you give her another chance, she’ll pass it. I guarantee it.”

“Sadie was also running the dance committee for the winter formal, but no one’s heard from her since. She was supposed to be bringing cupcakes, and it’s tomorrow.”

“I’ll talk to her. I’ll even help her with it.”

She removes her glasses and her lips twist in thought. She’s quiet for a moment, and I almost worry she can hear how hard my heart is racing. “Okay.Onemore chance, but that’s it. I’ll speak with her teacher.”

I stand and cover my smile with my hands. “Really?”

“Yes,” she says, placing her glasses back on.

“Thank you. You won’t regret it.” I start to make my exit.


“Yeah?” I say, screeching to a stop a foot away from the door.

She tilts her head, examining me. Then her mouth pulls into a grin. “I’m giving you another chance too. Not just Sadie.”

My lips part, but nothing comes out. I’d given up hope of graduating this year, but maybe I was wrong to give up so easily.

“Go find Sadie,” she says.

“Thank you,” I say once more. I leave her office, heading back down the stairs to the main level. As I near the bottom step, a familiar face passes by—Caleb.

Classes haven’t been dismissed yet, so he stands out like a sore thumb against the empty hallway. His eyes are downcast, focused on his feet, and his backpack is slung over one shoulder so haphazardly it could fall off any second.

“Caleb,” I say, stopping, afraid to get any closer.

He doesn’t turn around, and his pace maintains the same urgency.

“Caleb.” This time, I raise my voice.
