Page 37 of If We Say Goodbye

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He twists back to the front and drives down our road. “Well, you owe me a date soon. We should do something tonight. It’s Friday after all, so you have all weekend to do your homework.”

Jordy gasps, lurching forward. “Date? With her? Have you lost your mind?”

My thoughts exactly . . .

Caleb blushes instantly. “That’s not—I didn’t say—”

Jordy starts to laugh. “You’re dead. Mom’s going to hate this.”

“You’re not going to tell her,” Caleb says.

Jordy opens his mouth to argue.

I wave my hands. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. I know I'm not her favorite person, but still. That seems a little harsh.” I shoot daggers at Caleb with my eyes.

Jordy clears his throat and mumbles. “Well, failing school isn’t helping her like you.” He says it with a smirk and a tone that makes it sound like the reason should be obvious.

I suck in a breath too fast, making my lungs burn. “You told your mom I’m failing my classes?” My head starts to feel light, and the car is suddenly moving too fast.

Caleb looks at me and then at his brother through the rearview mirror, as if he’s trying to decide which fire to put out first. The redness in his face darkens by another shade.

“Mom was annoyed when she found out you were driving Becca to school. Can you imagine how mad she’d get if I texted her about you two dating?”

“We’re not dating!” I say at the same time that Caleb spews out, “Jordan, no, let’s make a deal.”

Jordy’s eyes perk up and he tilts his head to the side. “I’m listening.”

Caleb’s eyes dart back and forth before turning the corner. “I’ll let you use my gaming controller for a week.”

“Is that the best you got? Because if that’s the case.” Jordy pulls out his phone. “I’ll text Mom right now.”

“Wait!” Caleb throws his hand into the air. “I’ll . . .” he snaps his finger. “I’ll drive you to the bookstore and let you pick whatever book you want.”

Jordy lowers the phone. “Three books.”

Caleb winces but looks over at me. “Okay. Deal.”

Wow, so in case anyone ever wants to know, I’m valued at one trip to the bookstore. I don’t know what I expected, but that seems like fairly low compensation for an entire person.

Jordy slides his phone back into his pocket and raises his eyebrows. “I hope dating her is worth it because I’m buying hardcovers.”

“Hey, just to clarify, yet again,” I say, projecting my voice to make sure both brothers hear me.“We,” my finger points back and forth between Caleb and me, “arenotdating.”

Jordy shrugs. “As long as I get a trip to the bookstore, I don’t care what you’re doing.”

I slouch into my chair and pull my hoodie up over my head with a groan. “We’re not dating,” I whisper.

It’s quiet for a moment, the only sound being the tires on the pavement. Then, like clockwork, Caleb clears his throat. “Bec?”

“Hmm.” My hoodie is loose, covering my eyes, and my arms are crossed. I’m not sure how much more clear I can make it that I don’t want to talk anymore.

“I didn’t tell her.”

That’s right. I was on my way to being upset when Jordy changed the subject. “Then who did? Because I sure didn’t.”

He shifts in his seat and repositions his hands on the steering wheel. “Uh . . . well . . .”

“Spit it out.”
