Page 51 of If We Say Goodbye

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“Yeah, he took some medicine, and he’s going to bed now.”

Caleb handled the situation a million times better than I ever would’ve, but I’m curious how he got Jordy to calm down. “What was the ice for?”

“It’s a grounding technique. When Jordy gets upset, we try to help him focus on things outside of his thoughts.”

“Where did you learn that?”

“Jordy sees a therapist once a week,” he says.

It seems like everyone around me won’t stop talking about therapy, and for some reason, just the mention of it sounds alarms in my head. I don’t want to go. Talking to someone about how I feel won’t bring Ethan back, so why does it matter at all?

He continues, “It’s helped a lot.”

“You sound tired,” I say, changing the subject.

He laughs. “It’s that obvious?”

“You already sound half asleep.” I pull my blankets over my legs, settling in.

“Yeah, it’s been a long day.”

I take my laptop off my nightstand and open it up, navigating to my latest TV show. “Well, goodnight. You should get some rest.”

“No, it’s okay. I can talk more if you want.”

The weird thing is that I almost want to. Almost.I don’t want the kind of relationship he wants, but it’s nice to be able to talk to someone as a friend again. The problem is I don’t think we could ever truly be friends if he likes me. I’d be leading him on, and I don’t want to be that person.

“That’s alright,” I say. “I’m going to watch a show.”

“Which one?”

“Lost in Space. The newer version.”

“I haven’t seen it. Is it good?”

“What?” He might as well have kicked me in the gut. “It’s a masterpiece. The character development. The plot. The special effects.” I sigh. “It’s pure gold. I’ve watched all three seasons twice already. This is my third time through.”

“That good, huh?”

“I’m a tough critic, so believe me when I say this show isperfection. Ten out of ten, would recommend.”

“Even better than Star Trek?”

I gasp. “That’s like asking someone to choose between their children. I will not.”

He laughs.

A smile tugs at my lips too.

“Well, enjoy your show,” he says. “I’ll have to watch it sometime.”

“You really should.”

“I’ll put it on my watchlist right now.”

“Okay. Well, I’ll see you on Monday,” I say.

“See you then.” He pauses. “Goodnight, Bec.”
