Page 58 of If We Say Goodbye

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Mom’s smile grows bigger. “It’s a little later than normal. Did you go do anything fun?”

Her prying words make me ridged. I hug my backpack close. “Caleb wanted to stop at a music store on the way home.”

“That’s great.” Her exaggerated enthusiasm is so forced. It’s uncomfortable.

“So . . . your cookies. Do you think you could make them today?” My question comes out like nails on a chalkboard. Why is it so hard to ask for something as simple as this?

She makes a sour expression and looks down at her hands. “I just painted my nails because your Dad and I are going out to dinner tonight.”

I had almost forgotten that she had talked—or argued—Dad into going to marriage counseling. Dinner was one of the things their counselor suggested they do together.

Her eyes light up as if an idea just popped into her head. “I could give you the recipe and help you get started if you want to make them.”

I didn’t plan on getting covered in flour today, but I promised Jordy cookies. I sigh. “Okay. Let me put my backpack in my room first.”

Mom jumps a little, clapping her hands. “This is going to be so much fun.”

I pat the air. “Calm down. It’s just cookies.”

She twists her mouth in an attempt to tone down her smile, but it pops right back into place. “I’m going to go get the recipe.”

The doorbell rings, distracting Mom. “Who’s that?”

“It’s probably Jordy. I said I would help him with his math, and then we would eat cookies.”

“That was nice of you.” She lifts her blanket and stands. Smoothing out her clothes, she walks to the door. “Sadie,” she says as soon as the door opens. A mix of excitement and remorse coats her greeting. She steps back, opening the way for Sadie to step inside.

My palms start to sweat. There’s nowhere for me to hide. She’s probably already seen me. My thoughts go wild. Why is she here? Is she going to yell at me for avoiding her at school?

Sadie hugs Mom on her way in. Mom staggers back, unprepared, but wraps her arms around Sadie in return. “It’s good to see you.”

Sadie pulls away and stands in the entryway, letting us all take her presence in. It feels so wrong for her to be here, but at the same time, she’s as familiar as the furniture I see in our home every day—a staple of our home.

Half of her red locks are pulled back into a bun on top of her head that bounces when she moves. She has a form fitting tank that's tucked into her high waisted jeans, and Ethan’s green jacket is draped around her shoulders.

She bends down and pats her knees. “Come here, Buddy.”

Buddy trots over, pawing her and licking her face.

“What brings you around?” Mom asks.

Sadie clears her throat. “I need to talk to Becca, if that's okay.”

Mom puts her hands on Sadie’s shoulders and herds her into the living room. “Of course that’s okay. You’re always welcome here.” She guides her to the couch, next to me.

My heart is pounding so hard it’s like thunder in my ears.

When she sits, the couch sighs and the old cushions form around her.

“I’ll be in the office if you need anything,” Mom says. She knows I don’t want to be alone with Sadie, and that’s the exact reason she leaves.

I glare as she wanders away.

The silence between Sadie and me is awkward. In the past, conversation between us was always easy. Now, even small talk is heavy and forced.

“You can’t ignore me forever,” she whispers, staring at the easy chair across the room.

“I’m not,” I say, which is a complete lie.
