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“If the Paragon comes for Jade, they will be the ones to fulfill the prophecy. They will be the ones to inherit the power. And then we will be nothing. We won’t stand a chance against them.”

“If they come for Jade,” Lucien interrupted, “there’s not much we can do to stop them.”

I nodded. The Paragon was powerful. That much was no secret.

But so was I.

I tried to recall each of the special powers they possessed. If what I remembered was still true, they had a strong warlock who had no limit on controlling the elements. He did not tire. He did not pay any price.

I also remembered a man, a fae, who could freeze a person with just a stare. One look, and his opponent wasn’t able to move a single muscle.

There were others, too. Fae and witches both with powers unheard of in other kingdoms.

Much like myself.

They would have strength in numbers, but nobody was certain they would even appear here in Rewyth. That was simply another piece of information Esther had given us, likely spun deeply in her unending web of lies.

“If they come for her, I’ll kill them. Every single one of them.”

“Can you do that?” Adonis asked. “The Paragon is smart. They won’t come alone. They won’t come unarmed. They’ll have a plan.”

“They will,” I said. “But so will we.”

“And what if they don’t even know of Jade yet? What if Esther has made this entire thing up for her own benefit?”

“Then we’ll kill her, too,” I said. Agitation laced each word, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. I was now the King of Rewyth, the most powerful fae kingdom in the lands. Nobody would question our power. If anyone tried to take what we owned, what I owned, they would pay with their lives.

The more I had to explain that to people, the more annoyed I became.

“Eli,” I said, bringing my attention back to my drunk brother. “I need you to talk to her. Go befriend her. Find out what she knows.”

This caught his attention. “Me?” he asked. “Why me? Why not Adonis?”

“She’ll see Adonis or Lucien as a threat. She’ll see you as someone who is hurting and wants answers.”

Pain flashed through his features. I continued. “She’s in the dungeons, but don’t speak to anyone else. Especially Isaiah.”

Lucien huffed.

“Something to say?” I asked him.

He shook his head. “Nothing,” he started. “It’s just that you keep torturing the human and you haven’t laid a finger on the witch.”

I knew this was coming. “It isn’t her time yet,” I said. “She’ll get what she deserves.”

“And will that be before or after we go to war with the Paragon?” he asked.

My power pulsed through my body, waving with each of my emotions that I seemed to be having less and less control over. “Enough of this,” I barked. “I know we are brothers, but I am the King of Rewyth. My word is final, now. I got us into this mess, and I’ll get us out. Nobody touches Esther without my say. Nobody interferes with Isaiah without my say. Understood?”

“And Seth?” Lucien asked. “We’re going to let the King of Trithen live after what he’s done?”

A wicked grin spread across my face. “His time will come, too. We have to be patient.”

“Fine,” he said. “But I do know one thing, brother. If others see us as weak, they will attack. The Paragon, Trithen, whomever else. Torturing the human in the dungeon does not show strength, brother. It shows hesitation. It shows weakness.”

I didn’t say a word.

“Just something to think about,” he said as he walked past me, clapping me on the shoulder.
