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“Well, well, well,” he started. “Looks like you got over your father’s death quickly.”

“Pay your tithe and leave,” one of the guards barked.

I held a hand up to silence the guard. “My father’s passing was unfortunate, but necessary,” I stated.

“Unfortunate, yes,” he said. “What’s even worse than that tragedy is thehuman scumthat sits on your throne.”

My power rumbled, but I calmed it quickly. He was trying to get to me. “It was my father’s wish to wed me to a human, Arthur. You should be happy to know his intent lives on.”

Arthur drew his brows together before sliding his gaze to Jade. I half-expected Jade to flinch away from the fae’s attention, but she did no such thing. She didn’t move an inch.

“It’s a disgrace is what it is,” Arthur spat without taking his eyes off Jade. “Tell me, human, why are you here?”

“Don’t speak to her,” I argued. “You speak to me.”

“She is my queen, is she not?”

“It’s okay, Mal,” Jade whispered to me. “Arthur is free to ask me any question he wishes. To answer,” she continued, “I’m here to rule Rewyth beside my husband.”

Pride swelled in my chest.

“And what makes you think you are strong enough for that?”

“What makes you think I am not?”

“Any fae in this room could kill you right now,” Arthur sneered.

Jade only smiled, calm as ever as she sat perched on the armrest of my throne. “Then do it.”

Every guard in the room drew a sword.

Jade did not falter. When Arthur hesitated, she merely raised an eyebrow.

“You heard her,” I added when he didn’t move. “If you threaten my queen, you better plan on following through.”

Jade’s blank face flickered with an evil smile.

I fought the urge to reach out and touch her.

Arthur didn’t move. He stood at the foot of the steps, clearly confused by Jade’s orders.

“Something wrong?” Jade asked. “I’m sitting right here. If you think killing me will be so easy, go right ahead.”

Every ounce of my body burned with desire.

Jade stood from her perched position on our throne and stepped toward Arthur. I stayed put, happy to watch as my wife pummeled this man with her power.

I felt it first—a low, magnetic pull of my power to Jade’s. She summoned her own magic with a certain authority as she stood before Arthur and grew a large ball of power between her hands.

“Tell me, Arthur,” she pushed. “Do you think you could kill me now?”

Arthur stammered in response, unable to form actual words.

Jade stepped forward, cascading down the few stairs that separated her from him.

Her ball of power grew larger. I glanced around the room, and found everyone’s eyes glued to Jade in awe.

They felt it, too. The silent buzz of pure strength coming from her.
