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Serefin laughed. “Careful what you wish for, brother. I’m sure half the kingdom has heard of the prophecy by now. Not to mention her special abilities.”


Jade could protect herself. There was no doubt that someone tonight was going to say something offensive to her. Someone would try to make a smart-ass comment about her place in this kingdom, her place as my wife.

Her place as queen.

And I had no doubt that if Jade didn’t shut them up, I would.

Anyone who disrespected Jade disrespectedme,in turn.

I had to admit, I was curious to see who would be bold enough to try.

But it was true. Jadedidhave a special ability. Certainly, rumors had spread by now, especially after her show of power at the tithe.

I was prepared to fight anyone who challenged her magic.

Was Jade?

I turned to the door and clapped Serefin on the arm. “I guess there is no better time than right now,” I said. “Let’s get this over with.”

Serefin opened my bedroom door and stepped aside.

Only when I stepped into the hallway, I wasn’t alone.

At the opposite end of the hall, Jade did the same.

Adeline had dressed her in a low-cut corset gown with a large skirt that moved with each step she took.

Even from far away, she looked stunning.

She would be the talk of the dinner tonight. No doubt about that.

“Good luck with that, brother,” Serefin whispered to me. I walked down the hall, closing the distance between us, and held my arm out to Jade. After what happened in the dungeons last night, I wasn’t sure she would accept.

I didn’t regret it. Not for a second. Jade had to see who I really was. She needed to see, deep down, what I would sacrifice for her.WhoI would sacrifice for her. Because nothing else mattered when she was around. Nothing else mattered, except that she was okay. Anyone who threatened that would pay.

Sadie had left—I made sure of it from a distance after Jade stormed away. What Jade didn’t understand, though, was that Ihadshown mercy. Ihadshown Sadie mercy. I had sure as shit shown Isaiah mercy by killing him swiftly after dragging his poor life out for weeks in the dungeons.

He had given me everything I needed.

I was half tempted to rush to Jade and tell her that it wasn’t personal, or that I wasn’t myself. But neither of those things were true. It was personal on a deep, soul-aching level that I couldn’t even understand myself. It was personal enough that I was willing to rip the head off any man who touched her. No matter what they were to me.

It was personal enough that I couldn’t think straight around her. I could no longer see the big picture when she was near.

But the way I acted last nightwasmyself. I hadn’t felt that free in a long, long time. For weeks now, I had been restricting myself. Hiding myself. Trying to fit into the perfect version of me that Jade might actually understand.

Everything was clear to me, now. Jade did understand. I saw it in the sparkle of her eye last night, as she watched me snap Isaiah’s neck without a single blink. When Sadie had dropped to the ground in screams, Jade stared at me.

Jade stared into me, deep into the dark corner that never saw light.

She saw it all.

And she did not look away.

“Are you ready?” I asked Jade as I held my arm out to her. She took it gently, delicately touching my bicep with her small palm.

“No,” she answered, keeping her head straight ahead. Serefin and Adeline fell into step behind us. “I’m not. I’m not going to pretend like this kingdom appreciates a human as their queen, even if I do have special gifts.”
