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“You didn’t have to do that in front of her,” I hissed. “She loved him.”

Malachi shook his head. “She didn’t love him,” he muttered. “And she’ll get over it.”

“You’re unbelievable,” I said. “You drag us back here for what? This abusive show of power?”

Malachi stomped forward, inches from my face. “How do you think I felt, Jade, when I saw you escaping with her? You’re supposed to be on my side. After the tithe, I thought we were on the same page. What was I supposed to do? Let you both go?”

“Nothing! You were supposed to do nothing! I was helping a friend. You would have done the same.”

“No!” he yelled back. “No, I wouldn’t have!” He stepped forward again, and this time, I took a step back, pressing my back to the cold stone behind me.

“You could have shown him mercy. For her sake.”

Malachi placed his arm on the stone behind me, pinning me to the wall with his own body. “No, I couldn’t have. You know that just as well as I do. He deserved to die. You know that.”

“And you’re the one that decides that?”

“I am the King.”

“The King of Shadows,” I repeated.

Malachi smiled, wicked and beautiful. “Yes, Jade,” he whispered. His breath tickled my cheek. “I am the King of Shadows. My enemies will die merciless deaths at my hands. My allies will know no defeat when they fight by my side. You, of all people, should realize that.”

“As your wife?” I asked.

He stared at me a second longer before answering, “As my queen.”



“This is required?” I asked Serefin. He was the only guard I allowed in my rooms these days. I trusted the others enough, but time would tell whether or not they were truly loyal to me.

The dinner of celebration to formally announce my new reign as King of Rewyth was set to take place tonight. It was more of a formality than anything, but Saints, it was going to be a pain in my ass.

“Unfortunately, yes. But you are the King. I suppose you can make your own rules now.”

I shook my head and strapped my belt around my waist, making sure each weapon was secured tightly in its spot.

“Hours of bullshit conversations with people I don’t even like.”

“The court members were chosen by your father,” Serefin reminded me. “But that doesn’t mean they can’t be replaced. Hear them out, but determine your own future.”

I considered his words. The court members were going to fight every single thing I said tonight. I knew that. They had been loyal to my father, but their greed controlled them more than loyalty.

If I played my cards right, I would have no problem winning them over.

The court members were composed of fae that had been around much longer than I had. Some of them grew up with my father. Others were new. Each one held a great amount of land, money, or something else that had been deemed beneficial to Rewyth.

And because of that, each one of them thought they had a voice in this court. In the decisions made here.

What a joke.

“Jade will be there?” I asked Ser, keeping my voice calm.

He nodded. “Adeline is with her. They’re getting ready as we speak.”

“Good,” I muttered. “Perhaps she’ll distract everyone from stupid court politics.”
