Page 82 of Wings So Wicked

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Espek’s eyes went wild. “Had to be done? Hells, I don’t care what Headmistress says. He was stabbed over ten times! Those were not animal claws!”

I pictured Ryder’s body, half-rotting in the dirt where Wolf left him. He deserved much, much worse.

“I did what I had to do!” Venom’s weight in my palm reassured me.


I lunged first, throwing myself at Espek without caution. I didn’t give a damn that he held a blade of his own, that he was a foot taller than me and twice my size.

I was getting sick and fucking tired of people underestimating me.

Espek met me halfway. I ducked at the last second to avoid the tip of his blade. He roared and spun around, throwing a fist into my ribs that never seemed to heal.

But this time, I barely felt the pain.

I sliced down across his arm, Venom skimming and slicing the sleeve of his formal top. He roared in anger and reached out, gripping my long hair and yanking my head backward.

My eyes burned with tears, but I was still satisfied from drawing the smallest amount of blood.

Lanson was yelling something in the background, but I was too focused on Espek to make out the words.

Was too focused on death.

“You think you’re tough with this thing?” Espek yanked my head back further until my back nearly pressed against his chest.

Then he reached for my blade.


I tried to yank my arm away from him, tried to claw at his face, kick his knees—anything.

But it was no use.

His hand found mine, holding tightly to Venom.

“Don’t you fucking dare,” I seethed with hatred.

He only laughed.

Where thefuckwas Lanson?

Espek twisted my grip as hard as possible. I held on as long as I could; held on like Venom was all that mattered in the world. Because she was. Venom was my one reminder of home, of Lord, of my mission.

I needed her.

But she landed in the grass next to us, and I had never felt more fury in my entire life.

“What’s wrong?” Espek seethed into my ear. I was sure he was pulling out hair, was sure I could feel my scalp bleed. “Not so strong without your weapon to protect you, are you?”

“Fuck you,” I spat.

He laughed. “That’s what I thought, little rat. Though, you’re not the only one with a weapon.”

I discovered the meaning of his words much, much too late. He maneuvered his free hand to grab his own blade, pulled my back against his chest, and dove the dagger into my torso.


Adrenaline, shock, fury. Everything froze. I couldn’t think. Couldn’t breathe.

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