Page 101 of Amid Our Lines

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“You’re saying we need to think bigger?” Adrian asked carefully.

“Yes.” She consulted another post-it. “This mentions an unused attic that was the cause of your dry rot issue. Once that’s fixed, can it be equipped with big windows and turned into a space for artists? Painting retreats, for one, and something at the disposal of hotel guests when it’s not occupied by a group.”

Adrian could picture it—daylight streaming in, a new floor that could handle paint stains, some wood beams hopefully having survived the renovation. He glanced at Eric, who’d pursed his mouth in thought.

It could work.

“That would require a lot more money than we calculated,” Adrian said.

“It would,” Ms Tanner agreed. “Especially if you also move forward with the outdoor bistro for the warmer months that you listed as a long-term project.” Another post-it was plucked off the printed pages. “And renovate the turn-of-the-century spa area. I’d also recommend opening your common area to writers during the day, which would mean relaxing your rules about phones and computers.”

That hadn’t been in the business plan. She must have gleaned it off their website.

Adrian drew a measured breath. “A lot of guests really value the digital detox vibe. It’s been part of our identity for a long time.”

“I don’t suggest dropping it entirely.” The smile that followed made her look far more approachable. “Honestly, I love the idea. If itdidn’t mean rioting teenagers, I’d bring my family. But no, what I’m saying is you might want to relax the rules during the day, actively advertise it as a space for writers. They’ll love that the likes of Rilke and Arthur Conan Doyle came to the Gletscherhaus many decades ago—there’s a lot more you can do with that kind of history.”

She’dreallydone her research.

“If the space is used throughout the day,” Eric said, “there’d be an expectation that we serve tea and coffee, at the very least.”

“And absinthe,” Adrian added because wasn’t that what the likes of Oscar Wilde had used to kickstart their imagination? It was irrelevant though, since he couldn’t expect Martin to work those additional hours. Martin already helped out with all sorts of tasks around the hotel, from stacking wood to dealing with small repairs that naturally came with a building of that age.

Ms Tanner nodded. “There would be.”

“We’re short-staffed as it is,” Eric said, frowning.

“Hire more people,” she said.

For the first time, Adrian sensed a tad of annoyance. “It’s not that easy.”

“I get that.” Her face grew serious as she straightened in her chair. “May I be frank with you?”

Still not a no. But it felt like it was heading that way.Fuck.

Adrian reached down to clasp Eric’s knee, Eric slotting their fingers together. “Please be,” Adrian said.

“I can approve this loan right now.” She waved a hand at the papers on the desk. “It’s a solid plan, nothing inherently wrong with it. But it would be piecework. You’d do one thing now, and another three years later, and then a third some additional years down the line.”

The pause that followed hung heavy between them.

Adrian cleared his throat, pretty sure his fingers were trembling under Eric’s. “What’s your suggestion?”

“Do it all at once. You’ve got a chance right now to re-establish your brand—do it properly.” Ms Tanner spread her hands. “I know that’s scary, but in my experience, the most successful businesses arethose that make bold moves. Incremental improvements risk leaving both your old and your new customers disappointed.”

Yeah, it was scary.Reallyfucking scary. The amount it would take to do everything at once was eye-watering—meanwhile, Adrian had been known to struggle with asking his parents for train money.

“Can we give it some thought?” Eric asked, and Ms Tanner nodded.

“Of course. How about a call early next week?”

“Sounds good,” Eric responded for both of them. With Adrian’s head a mess of tumbling thoughts, he was so,sograteful that he didn’t have to take the lead. It was a bit of a daze, standing up, guided towards the exit by the gentle weight of Eric’s hand on the small of his back. As they were about to say their goodbyes, something occurred to Adrian.

“Just in case…” He met Ms Tanner’s eyes. “I don’t want to seem like I’m hiding things. You may have seen the most recent rumours?”

“I asked my daughter to keep me up to date, yes.” Her expression was pleasant.

“Right.” Adrian angled himself further into Eric’s solid warmth by his side. “So, we don’t think it will harm us—my past, that is. But I wanted to make sure you’re aware.”
