Page 45 of Amid Our Lines

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He liked to think of himself as smooth. This was new for him, though—sneaking someone into his room. When he said as much, Eric raised his head for a grin.

“You never snuck anyone in when you were a teenager? You clearly haven’t lived.”

“There was no need.” Adrian traced Eric’s spine, feeling the shift and flex of muscle under his touch. “I came out at fourteen, and after I did, my mum spent two days on the internet to learn everything she could about gay lifestyle and sex. And my dad bought me a subscription to a gay magazine—in his name, because I was too young for it.”

“I bet”—Eric’s teeth dragged along Adrian’s throat—“the postie got a kick out of that.”

Adrian exhaled a sigh, then smiled. “Sure did.”

“When I told my parents I’m bi? Let’s just say it was clumsy.” Eric’s tone mixed affection with a hint of exasperation. “My mum was all, ‘Oh, love is love, right?’ And my dad mumbled something about how he was happy that I felt I could tell them. And then they started arguing about whether they should put up a rainbow flag while my sister was laughing like a hyena. So much for her being there for moral support.”

“They sound sweet,” Adrian said.

“They have their moments.” Eric paused before he gently shook his head, voice dipping down. “A far cry from Martin’s parents, that’s for sure. It sucks that he had to go through that.”

Adrian liked Eric. He just reallylikedhim—his kindness and talent, his occasional flashes of sharp wit that seemed to surprise even Eric himself. Also, was this what couples did—talk during sex? Because it sure didn’t reflect Adrian’s customary experience.

Somehow, he didn’t mind.

He tangled both hands in Eric’s hair to bring him up for a kiss. Eric came easily, and for a while, Adrian’s focus shrank to the way their bodies pressed together, to the wet sound of kissing and a spicy hint of Eric’s cologne. When Adrian rolled them over, it was so hecould work his way down Eric’s chest, lingering for kisses and gentle bites.

Adrian kept one hand on Eric’s stomach as he twisted to grab lube and a condom from the bedside table. “Okay?” he asked, and Eric drew a quick breath.



After a quick kiss, Adrian settled between Eric’s legs and uncapped the lube. He glanced up to find Eric watching him with a steady gaze, eyes darkened by the lack of light. Adrian sent him a grin.

“You know, if this were a shoot, the director would order me to get your leg up higher. ‘I can’t see a damn thing like this!’”

A smile lit up Eric’s face. “Sounds like a turnoff.”

“Eh, you get used to it.” Adrian nudged a lubed finger against Eric’s entrance. The way Eric spread his thighs for better access was … fuck, yes. Beautiful.Focus. “It’s about selling an illusion, isn’t it? Magic of editing—spit and a prayer are all you need.”

“Hey. Just so you—” Eric broke off for a gasp. Biting down on a smile, Adrian crooked his finger to find the same spot again, Eric shifting with it.

“Just so I…?” Adrian prompted, and if he sounded just a hint smug? So be it.

Eric sucked in a breath before he replied. “Just so you know—because you keep bringing it up? I’m not, like, calling you Kevin in my head or something like that. Maybe the first two days, just on, like, reflex. Because it was familiar. But that’s not… Not anymore.”

Adrian raised his gaze to find Eric looking at him already. No suitable answer came to mind, so Adrian settled for murmuring, “Yeah?”

“Yeah.” Eric’s throat moved when he swallowed, brief uncertainty ghosting over his features before he continued. “I’m not just living out some teenage fantasy, is what I’m trying to say.”

It wasn’t… Christ, it wasn’t like Eric had confessed his love or some crap like that. Still it packed a punch, Adrian’s centre of gravity tugged half a foot to the side before he caught his breath.

He removed his fingers and crawled up the bed, pressed Eric into the sheets as he framed his face with the other hand. “I’m glad,” he mumbled. Then it felt like too much, an overreaction to a simple statement, so he kissed Eric to chase away the heaviness.

“No breath lost between us,” Eric said when they separated, and Adrian arched a brow.

“My line of the day?”

Eric flushed a little. “Yeah.”

“It’s a good one.” Adrian tucked a smile against Eric’s throat. “I approve.”

He punctuated the statement by grinding his thigh against Eric’s erection. It earned him a choked moan, almost lost to the rustle of sheets when Adrian moved back down the bed. He let his lips brush over the tip of Eric’s cock as he focused on prepping him, their gazes catching every so often as Eric’s fingers traced Adrian’s face and shoulders.
