Page 49 of Amid Our Lines

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He meant it in ways he wasn’t quite sure how to explain.

Eric wasn’tsure why Adrian’s words packed such a punch. Maybe it was that Eric didn’t normally ask for things, didn’t rely on others, didn’t trust that hecould. Other than his family, Kojo was the one exception, and it had taken years for Eric to feel safe enough to count on him. He’d known Adrian for, what—six weeks? It seemed longer.

Adrian was pressed up against Eric’s back, the cool ivory of the piano keys contrasting with his warmth. His firm grip sent sparks of heat dancing up Eric’s spine.

“Is this how you pictured it?” Adrian asked, tone playful even though Eric could tell that his voice had thickened, a hint rougher than usual.

“Close.” Oh, look—words. Eric could do words. “Sometimes I imagined how I’d stop playing, just couldn’t focus anymore, and then you’d turn me around and trap me against the piano. You’d make me watch as you’d bring me off.”

“Christ.” It was so quiet that Eric wasn’t sure he’d been meant to hear. “Get up,” Adrian said, louder.

His touch fell away, and no,no, that had not been—oh. Eric let Adrian guide him up from the stool and turn him around, before being gently backed up against the keyboard. A discordant mash of notes rang in the air, but Eric barely noticed, his world narrowed to the charged space between them. When their eyes met, it felt like a gravitational pull.

“Like this?” Adrian’s voice was close to a whisper, a smile lingering mostly around his eyes.

“Yeah.” Eric drew a breath and smiled back. “Except you should be touching me.”

“Is that so?” Adrian’s tone implied that it wasn’t a question in need of an answer. He rucked up Eric’s jumper and T-shirt, one of hishands flattening against Eric’s bare stomach. The other moved deliberately downward, unzipping Eric’s jeans all the way, shoving them down his thighs along with his pants. Warm fingers wrapped around him—firm and grounding, sweet pressure that made heat curl in his belly.

It was… Fuck, it was addictive to have all of Adrian’s attention focused on him, made Eric feel raw and a little vulnerable. Usually, this was when he’d find a way to turn the tables, take back control.

He didn’t want to.

Adrian’s strokes taunted him—teasing, light then firm, too little then nearly too much, teetering on the edge of unbearable pleasure. Time seemed to stretch, the room expanding more with each second, furniture skittering away until there was only Adrian, the two of them at the centre of a quiet universe.

This wasn’t a teenage fantasy. The way Adrian touched him, the clever rhythm and how intensely he was watching Eric… It felt like a gentle hook of claws that dug into Eric’s skin, a disorienting ache.

Don’t fall.

His heart thudded in time with Adrian’s strokes. Eric let his head tilt back, eyes fluttering closed. Nerves on fire.Adrian.

Eric’s orgasm shuddered through him, pulled him under with the force of a tidal wave.Crescendo. Luminous shadows pressing in—then resurfacing, the sweet taste of air in his lungs.

Eyes still closed, he felt Adrian straighten and step back, and even if it wasn’t by much, it was enough to register. Eric opened his eyes to find Adrian studying him with a grin, fully clothed. God, Eric must look a mess—jumper bunched up under his arms, jeans hanging open, slumped against the piano.

“Do you want…?” He flicked a weak hand at the bulge of Adrian’s erection, clearly outlined against his jeans.

“You can repay me tonight.” Adrian’s grin gained a smug edge that managed to seem sweet rather than arrogant. “This was all about you, remember? Consider me your teenage dream come true.”


Thoughts like molasses. Eric watched Adrian grab a napkin toclean off his own fingers. Then he stepped right back into Eric’s space and gently wiped around his softening cock, still sensitive enough that Eric hissed in a breath at the contact, his brain slowly stuttering back into gear. He tucked himself back into his pants and zipped up his jeans—putting himself back into order. Or an outer semblance of it, at least.

“You’re better, you know?” When their gazes met, Eric was caught off-guard by the bright warmth in Adrian’s eyes, needed a moment to pull his thoughts back on track. “Like, the reality. My teenage fantasy didn’t come close.”

Adrian flashed him a brilliant smile. “I’m a professional, baby.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

Something softened around Adrian’s eyes. “I know. I just—you know. I’m not very good at accepting compliments.”

“I’ve noticed.” It came out too fond, but Eric decided to blame the lingering afterglow.

Adrian gave a one-shouldered shrug and glanced away. “It’s just that most people—they expect something in return.”

Yeah, of course they would. And Eric got it because Adrian wasAdrian, but that didn’t mean Eric didn’t find it a little upsetting, too.

“Well.” He curled his fingers into the front of Adrian’s jumper and tugged him just the slightest bit closer. “I only want what you’re happy to give.”
