Page 52 of Amid Our Lines

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“No.” Suddenly, Kojo grinned. “In fact, this is convenient. I was wondering how I’d break it to Eric that Kat’s going to stay with me over Christmas. Problem solved.”

It took a moment before it clicked—right. With Eric’s parents and Olivia visiting over Christmas, the idea had been that Olivia would stay in the last free guest room that had been available, a tiny room designed for solo hikers on a budget. Eric’s parents, on the other hand, would stay in Eric’s usual room, while he himself had planned to kip with Kojo. If Kat stayed over…

“You’re kicking me out of your bed?” Eric asked, and next to him, Adrian snorted.

“That could be taken badly out of context.”

“He knows what I mean.” Eric sent Kojo a narrow look. “Seriously, mate. You changed the plan just like that, without consulting me first?”

“Yes. Because I knew we’d figure something out.” Kojo looked unrepentant. “On the bright side, I just gave you a reason to sleep in Adrian’s bed for a week. You’re welcome.”

Eric fought the stupid warmth rising to his cheeks, keeping his attention on Kojo. “Maybe Adrian doesn’t want that.”

“Maybe you shouldaskAdrian if he wants that,” Kojo shot back.

“Maybe you should,” Adrian agreed quietly, voice gone dark and silky in a way that sent a small shiver down Eric’s spine. He inhaled before he chanced a look at Adrian.

“I should?”

There was a smile that sat mostly around Adrian’s eyes. “I can only say yes if you ask me first.”

“That, um. Yeah. That’s fair.” Christ, and here Eric had thought he’d overcome his severe case of gibberish around Adrian. “So, would you mind?”

“Would I mind what?” Adrian asked, all wide-eyed innocence, while Kojo snorted.Traitor. But okay, fine. If that’s how Adrian wanted to play it, Eric wasn’t about to back down from the challenge.

He turned to face Adrian properly before he let his mouth curve into a smile, bottom lip pushed forward just slightly. “May I spend Christmas week in your bed, please?”

Kojo brought up his hands for a slow-motion clap. Meanwhile, Adrian blinked, then huffed out a laugh. “Jesus, warn a guy.”

Eric had never felt powerful before. No, not powerful—that was the wrong word. Desirable, maybe?Desired.Because the way Adrian was staring at him now, eyes dark and focused, God, it felt good. Made him feel brave.

“Not an answer,” he told Adrian.

Adrian’s eyes softened, a subtle lift at the corners of his mouth. “Answer’s yes.”

“Oh.” Eric exhaled. “Good.”

“Get a room, for fuck’s sake.” Kojo snapped his fingers, and it broke the moment. Eric shot him a smirk.

“I just did,” he said. “No thanks to you.”

“All thanks to me,” Kojo corrected. “You never would have asked if I hadn’t pushed you.”

“He’s got a point,” Adrian said, and Eric levelled him with a flat look.

“Whose side are you on?”

“I’m with truth,” Adrian said grandly.

“You’re with ridiculous,” Eric told him, only to wonder if that was too cheeky. Then again, Adrian had put his hands all over Eric just a couple of hours ago, so …yeah.

“Wow, mean.” Yet a grin crept across Adrian’s face, his knee resting lightly against Eric’s. It took a second before Eric dragged his focus away, back to Kojo, who was watching with keen interest.

Eric gave a small shake of his head to discourage whatever notions Kojo held. This wasn’t Kojo and Kat, back on track after an unnecessary breakup—couldn’t break what didn’t exist, now could you?‘Anytime one of us wants to stop? Done, no questions asked.’

Kojo must have received the message because a momentary frown tugged at his mouth before a smile took over again. “So,” he said, straightening out of his slouch. “Who’s ready to sample my ideas for the Christmas menu? I’ve got a lady to impress, after all.”

“I volunteer!” Adrian waved a hand high in the air. “I volunteer as tribute.”

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