Page 56 of Amid Our Lines

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It was an exhalation more than an actual word, and Eric wasn’t sure whether he’d been meant to hear it. He pulled back slightly and wiped his mouth, keeping one hand wrapped around the base of Adrian’s cock as he glanced up.

Adrian’s smile was instant. Moonlight softened the contours of his face, darkened his eyes, and reduced his lashes to sooty smudges. Christ, what a picture he made—naked on the sofa, his thighs spread, the proud arch of his erection. When Eric raised both hands to frame him for an imaginary photo, Adrian’s quiet laugh curled like smoke.

“Trust me, between the two of us?” Adrian touched Eric’s jaw, thumb against the corner of his eye. “I’ve got the perfect view.”

Eric wasn’t used to it—someone telling him things like that, casual compliments that clung to his skin like a dusting of pollen. He didn’t quite know how to respond so he ducked his head. “Beg to differ?”

“Sorry, babe.” The endearment rolled off Adrian’s tongue like it was nothing. “My professional assessment beats your lay perspective.”

For some reason, it brought Eric up short. He’d always been a little self-conscious during sex—overthinking a partner’s response, how he measured up. Not with Adrian, or at least not after that first time. Somehow, Adrian made it easy for Eric to let go.

Adrian tapped his thumb against Eric’s cheek. “What’s with the face?”

“Sorry.” Eric smiled. “Afraid it’s the only one I’ve got.”

“And don’t you change a thing.” Adrian took a moment to study Eric, then he slid down to the ground and straddled Eric’s thighs. “Better,” he said with a grin. “Now, here’s the plan: you tell me what’s bothering you, and after that, I bend you over the couch and fuck you. Deal?”


Eric inhaled. “Deal.”

“Awesome.” Adrian rested his hands on Eric’s shoulders. “So?”

“There’s nothing bothering me.”

Adrian tilted his head. His unimpressed look translated even in the moonlit room.

“I just thought about how…” Eric wound an arm around Adrian’s back, not sure about the best way to explain without coming on too strong. “It’s a little funny, is all. Like, you’re the most experienced person I’ve been with, but somehow, this is the safest I’ve felt with anyone. Just—I’ve been mostly with people who wanted me to take the lead, but you don’t. You… I think you enjoy taking the lead, and that makes it easy for me to relax and give up control.”

Too much.

Adrian was watching Eric, unblinking, and Eric drew a breath that seemed loud in the still room. “I’m not asking you to tie me up and spank me, okay?”

“Christ.” Adrian’s voice was low. “You’ve got no fucking clue how hot you are, do you?”

Well, sure, Eric had heard it before. Didn’t really count from drunken strangers in a club, though, and he wasn’t sure it counted from Lucas or Chloe either given neither of them had bothered to stay. He picked a shrug and a smile over a trip down Melancholy Lane.

Adrian smiled back, but it was small. “One of these days, we will spend an entire afternoon in bed, and I will show you in great detail how fucking gorgeous you are. Consider this a promise.”

Eric pressed his tongue against the roof of his mouth, warmth twisting through his chest. “You don’t have to.”

“That’s the point—I fucking want to. But for now…” Without any warning, Adrian toppled Eric backwards onto the carpet and stretched out on top of him. He stopped with their mouths just an inch apart. “I believe we had a deal that included me fucking you over the couch. Unless you want to fuck me?”

Adrian’s mouth should be illegal. He knew it, too, if the smug tilt to his lips was anything to go by.

“I do,” Eric said weakly. “Yeah. Tomorrow, though.”

“Good answer.” With that, Adrian closed the gap between them, and God, the way Eric felt about him wasn’t casual, wasn’t casual at all. He filed the thought away for some dark and quiet moment.

For now, he let Adrian kiss him, let Adrian move him, his mind sinking into calm tranquillity.

Later, when they were tangled on the sofa, Eric closed his eyes and took it all in for a minute—how Adrian was tucked up against his back, warm exhalations against the nape of his neck. The woodsy smell that defined the Gletscherhaus, mixed with Adrian’s cologne and a hint of sex. A faint rustle of wind in the conifers outside Adrian’s bedroom and the faint creak of old wood.

Eric wasn’t sure why his throat felt tight when he opened his eyes again. “Guess I should go,” he mumbled.

Adrian’s hand flattened against Eric’s chest. “Or you could stay?”

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