Page 7 of Amid Our Lines

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“Sure, no problem,” the guy chirped right as Eric turned to get a proper look at what must be Adrian—the one with the smile and the body, to quote Kojo. And…

And, fuck.

That was—no. It couldn’t be.

But itwas. Side-swept, light brown hair and prominent eyebrows, green eyes, and a wide mouth meant for smiling. Tall and muscular, without the unnatural bulk that Eric saw rather too often at his gym. Easy, confident stance.

Kevin Pine.

That had been his stage name, at least. He’d been one of ErosElite’s biggest stars some eight years ago, back when Eric had firstdiscovered gay porn along with his own interest in it, coupled with being old enough to legally subscribe to a website that featured young, extremely cute men in very adult situations. And Kevin Pine? He’d been Eric’s favourite. By far. Eric had watched every single one of his sex scenes, including the talking bits. He’d watched every single one of his interviews and behind-the-scenes documentaries too, although he’d at least refrained from stalking the guy on social media.

Kevin Pine was…

Kevin Pine was the son of Eric’s new employers. In fact, he might be Eric’s actual new employer because Kojo had mentioned something about an impending handover from parents to son. Shit.Shit. Okay, so, granted, Eric didn’t need the job. But now that he was here, he also didn’t want to tuck tail and run right back to London.

Also, he was staring. And might have missed a slice of reality because Kevin—becauseAdrianseemed to have wrapped up his call and was coming down the stairs towards them with a beaming smile that was all Kevin, and one of the reasons Eric had fancied him quite a bit.

“Hey, welcome!” A light baritone that conveyed bright energy, and yes, of course the voice was familiar given Eric had listened to it for hours on end with his headphones in—flirty lines and laughter and breathless sex noises, groans and moans and everything in between. “So great to have you both here. Hope it was a smooth trip?”

Holy hell.

Eric took half a step back without meaning to, and God, he was blushing, wasn’t he? He hated when his face just did that without his permission. Problem was that the more he tried to will it away, the worse it got.

“Thanks, mate. Nice to see you in person.” That was Kojo, easy as you please. “Good trip, though I gotta say that the bus ride up the valley is an experience.”

“Ah, you get used to it.” Kev—no,Adrianlaughed as he shook Kojo’s hand, white teeth and still so very handsome. He must be in his late twenties now, maybe even pushing thirty.

Jesus, Eric needed to stop. Get a fucking grip.

Except too late, because now Adrian turned to him with the same bright smile that had roped Eric into hitting the ‘subscribe’ button and forking over his PayPal information. Definitely blushing, fuck.

“And you’re Eric?” Adrian asked with a tilt of his head, offering his hand.

“Uh, yeah. That’s me. Eric, yes.” Eric gave Adrian’s fingers a quick squeeze before he let go. Since making eye contact was impossible, he focused on Adrian’s cheek.

Which was why he caught it when one corner of Adrian’s lips quirked with sudden amusement. “Eric. Right. Have we met, by any chance?”

He knew. Oh God, heknew.

“I don’t think so?” Eric hadn’t planned for his voice to tilt up like that, but nothing to be done about it.

“Well, if you’re sure.” Adrian’s grin persisted, and oh, he was enjoying this, wasn’t he?

“Pretty sure,” Eric said, much more firmly now. He could tell that Kojo was staring at him with a bewildered expression, but refused to turn his head. At least Sarah—Kevin Pine’smum, and shit, did she know? At least Sarah was busy with some papers behind the reception desk, stacking them into a haphazard pile.

“All right, I’ll take your word for it.” A hint of amusement still lingered in the curve of Adrian’s smile as he turned towards their suitcases. “How about we delay the paperwork until later? Let’s get you settled in first.”

“Sounds good,” Kojo replied, and Eric nodded and shoved both hands into his pockets. Then he realised he’d need them to carry his luggage and took them out again, shifting his weight as he decidedly didn’t watch when Adrian bent down to shoulder one of their backpacks.

I’d be able to pick out your dick in an identity parade.

Oh, hell. This adventure was starting to seem like a terrible idea.

So.Eric was a former customer, it seemed.

Adrian bit down on a grin as he led the way up the stairs. When people recognised him from his somewhat unconventional job back in his student days, it tended to go one of two ways—they were either sleazy about it, or awkward. Based on Eric’s rather sweet blush and the fact he’d been barely able to meet Adrian’s eyes, this was a door-two type of situation.

Hopefully, Eric wouldn’t need long to get over it. As fun as it was to picture a younger version of this gorgeous guy all hot and bothered, Adrian was aligned with his parents in encouraging a casual and relaxed work environment. Eric skirting awkwardly around Adrian would be counterproductive. Also, Kojo hadn’t been subtle in implying that it was his boyfriend he hoped to bring along, so…
